

Responses from surfcat

Synergistic Research Euphoria HC power cord.
Just remember, when you get to the stage of replacing power cords and interconnects etc, you talking about lifting veils.  The difference may be immediately noticeable, but even then it won't be transformative,  Manage expectations and you have a ... 
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech?
@ddd1 You certainly point our one of the often overlooked challenges, miking.  Got to first collect the sound before one can even think about reproducing it.  I'm sure we'll get there.  I wonder what the arguments will be about in Audiogon a hundr... 
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech?
@soix BACCH is dangerously interesting.  I know that many will reject it as interfering with pure reproduction, and they are not wrong.  But DSP is seriously impressive tech.  As we know, every component, every circuit or length of wire has a sign... 
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech?
@au_lait, yes, part of the evolution will be genetic as well.  Many many ears, making most of our current hats obsolete.  We will be soooo good looking.   
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech?
@redlenses03, I'm not talking about home theater, at least not as we envision it today but, rather, a truly transformative evolution in the collection and reproduced presentation of audio information that will undoubtedly happen given enough time ... 
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech?
If I correctly understand what you're saying, JohnK, then, yeah.  I can easily imagine systems in the future comprised of 30 or 40 or more "sound generating devices" spread around the periphery of a space, maybe wall and/or ceiling mounted.  They'... 
You know you have audiophile system when...
I'll approach this from a slightly more humble and less judgmental direction (odd for this room I know). And first of all, I have no problem with being called an audiophile. I don't wear it like a badge, but it doesn't bother me. And I couldn't ca... 
How Electricity Actually Works
To carlsbad 581 posts 05-01-2022 at 01:01pm  @builder3 I'd say that there are a lot of affluent people here...seems there is a low positive correlation between detailed technical knowledge and fiscal success. ------ Just as there's an obvious... 
New Analog Technology???
I'm pressed to imagine a new "protocol" for an analog recording on a surface. That's more of a digital domain concept.  I suppose there could be some shocking new advance in the recording circuitry, though that doesn't seem too likely.  Aluminum, ... 
Audiogon is becoming the hub for scammers.
A more accurate perspective would be that the Internet has long been a hub for scammers.  The ability to present an item for sale behind a veil of complete anonymity nearly guarantees that thieves will look for ways to take advantage of those who ... 
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
Depends on what's the weakest link in a system and what it's replaced with  
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
String Cheese Incident - Rhythm of the Road, Vol. 2 It's a live NYE concert in Vegas from some years ago.  Recording is excellent, the range of styles of music and the shear musicallity is, at time, nearly breathtaking.  Some of the hottest sax I... 
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
@douglas_schroeder When the internet evolved beyond the old BBS world I thought this was gonna be great, people sharing knowledge, growing with and from one another.  Has turned into something rather different, polluted by self-righteous and cowa... 
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
And again, what a judgemental, self-righteous bunch.  So you're asking if you should take advice from people who constantly upgrade.  The most obvious answer is, "YES!"  They've listened to a lot of different things, in a lot of different combinat... 
One big reason why brick and mortar high end audio dealers struggle.
Wow and hey!, Best Buy has people waiting for you to come in and browse.  They've got a great deal right now on a Crosley system.  Amp, tuner, cd player, a turn table and even a cassette deck with speakers!  It's $199.95 so jump on it!!  But reall...