Responses from sunnyjim
Vandersteen 2CE Signature II: Is it worth the price of $2700? Why are so many for sale? Thank you to all who have responded so far. The information has been helpful in adding to my store of audio knowledge, especially about speakersTo tomic601. I spoke to Vandersteen customer service to find out more about the difference between the... | |
Vandersteen 2CE Signature II: Is it worth the price of $2700? Why are so many for sale? To tomic601. Actually, I thought there was a speaker in Vandersteen line that was about $7000, but was not amplified or had EQ control. Maybe, it was discontinued in favor of making the (big) jump to the current 5a speakerBTW, I am aware of th... | |
Vandersteen 2CE Signature II: Is it worth the price of $2700? Why are so many for sale? TO cedargrove> For the record, about 5 years ago, I listed to both a pair of Vandersteen 2Ce's and also a pair of 3a Sig. The 3A's were much better sounding than 2Ce's which I thought sounded good but not good enough to buy at the time. The 3... | |
Ortofon 2M Red and Denon 110 Is there a big difference in sound quality?? TO chakster: I have to agree with mofimadness that AG is not the format to sell your personal audio items. This forum's goal is to provide information, answer and ask questions. about audio products. | |
What is considered a "standard" percentage of devaluation per year foor high end speakers? To willydewoofer Actually my question is based on a speaker that is 4 years old and still retails for $3500. The issue in this context is not "sound quality", but determining reasonable devaluation from retail. I am not going to pay retail. I d... | |
What is considered a "standard" percentage of devaluation per year foor high end speakers? To roberjerman: DCM Time Windows are/ were a terrific speaker for their time in 80's. I sold them in mid-to high end store in Pennsylvania. The shape of their cabinet is still being duplicated today by many manufacturers. | |
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?: TO PS; Thank you again for the recommendation and advice.One final question, you highly regard the Maggie .7; however, does the Maggie 1.7i offer more and better performance?? I have the electronics to drive either one. I listed my system's c... | |
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?: To ps. All good points I think the Sonus Faber Cremona, etc is out of my price range. I did consider the Magnepan..7 which received many very good reviews. However, even though they are a different design with a different sound field than the GE... | |
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?: To ps. Thank you for reminding me of my other threads I have posted concerning buying new speakers. I hope you are not indicating you are annoyed, by my several post, though it seems that way to meHaving been on this blog for over 10 years, I ... | |
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?: twoleftears: BTW, the Avanti MKII's I mentioned appeared on e-bay in an auction ad . It expired on Wednesday or Thursday. The same seller ran the ad on AG about two months, but their were no takersI heard the Totem Forests several years ago, and... | |
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?: Thanks you to the new responders for their commentsTO: TWOLEFTEARS:Max Budget $2500- $3000. on "used market"The following is the system and room size:Conrad Johnson PV14SL SE pre-ampBAT VK-200 amp ( 100RMS)Ayre CX7e mp CD playerGrover Huffman ... | |
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?: Thank you to those who responded.***********************************************************Without starting a new thread, does it make sense to buy a speaker that is 17 years old versus another that is newer, like issued within 5 years.I ran acro... | |
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?: To two left ears: Thank you for the return comment.To willewonka: Nobody will deny manufacturers deserve to make a profitHowever, as you mention of that "insanity... is the way of the world" , then maybe the world needs to changed for the bett... | |
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?: Thank you to all who have responded so far.To Steve, You make several good points However, my point about "good value" has little to do with how speakers look or the appearance of the cabinet.Sound quality is the most important issue. However, ... | |
Revel Performa F-206 versus B&W CM-10S-2 How might they differ in sound quality?? Thank you to all who responded so far. To Erik and Shadorne: I think your comments are right on target about the Revel F206 versus B&W CM10 S-2. I think the difference you indicate touches on the old issue of "euphonic" vs "analytical". The B&... |