
Discussions sunnyjim has started

Changes or improvements of sound quality from Mullards CV4003?? 59136
Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.1988543
Sgt. Pepper's. remastered Mobile Fidelity40558
What vintage speaker might you use today19454144
Looking for integrated better than my Rogue Sphinx3893158
Reference 3A DECapo "BE" spk a major upgrade??59025
Shopping for speakers at $1500-$2000 is a chore.1061336
Wharfdale Denton Anniver spks. Excellent or hype?741510
Recommed a medium sized monitors that can go loud959337
Upgrade phono cable for new Project DC Carbon TT?53065
Transmission line spks:Close or far from back wall61695
Sell a speaker you like but CANNOT optimize sound?187113
IsoTek System Enhancer: Can it improve the sound?100899
Upgraded Ayre CX-7e to a CX-7e mp: Expect What?39043
Acoustic Technologies Classic Series... Worth it??102454