
Responses from stuartk

Jazz for aficionados
@alexatpos  Thanks for the suggestion! My Aqua DAC has a polarity switch - I assume this will work.   I was surprised to see other well-known labels on that list.       
Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim My first 10 years of exploring Jazz occurred when I had little concern about SQ. ECM’s production did catch my attention to some degree, but I was hooked on the music long before I had the financial means to focus seriously on sound.... 
Jazz for aficionados
@ho249  Excellent examples!. I wasn't aware M. Waldron ever recorded for ECM nor was I familiar with the Carla Bley record. Will check them out.   
Jazz for aficionados
My introduction to ECM:    
Jazz for aficionados
@pjw81563 RE: RTF live-- I’m a few years older than you (67) and my first exposure to anything connected to Jazz was in 1972, when I first heard "The Inner Mounting Flame". The first track I heard was, if I remember correctly, "The Dance of Maya... 
Did a satisfaction threshold exist under 1000 bucks ?
@mahgister Anybody can buy the best amplifier of the world... I understand what you’re saying but at the same time, while any rich person can buy a pair of Magicos or Wilsons, not every person who has that kind of money can take the next step... 
Jazz for aficionados
@pjw81563  I saw RTF live on the "Romantic Warrior" tour and caught the S. Clarke Band a couple times in the mid 70's. That's it for me...  
Gary Wright has passed away
“Oooh oooh shaved beaver, I think you can get me through the night”. The title was "borrowed" from Paramahansa Yogananda, whose spiritual classic "Autobiography of a Yogi" also inspired the likes of Rodger Hodgson ("Babaji") , G. Harrison (the ... 
Jazz for aficionados
@inna Seems kind of subdued for McLaughlin... I’m stunned by the depth of the guitar in the photo. I’m used to dreadnoughts but can’t imagine that one with those dimensions would be very comfortable to play! After listening to the one you post... 
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister Thanks! I will have to buy this one, although it’s out of print and on a French label. I haven’t bought any CDs from Europe since before the pandemic. What are the other nine in your top ten?????  
Jazz for aficionados
For example the "fusion" of Bach with jazz by some Jazzman...Or the encounter between Ali Akbar Khan and a jazzman... They are more musical encounter event  and interesting , more than the development of "a new fusion genre" as such  ... the even... 
Being alone with your music
Different strokes... If live music hadn't consistently provided transcendent moments, I doubt I would've bothered to continue spending the money. I use the past tense because, at present, there are no venues within easy driving distance that offe... 
What new gear have you just bought?
A couple Audio Art Statement digital AC cables for my transport and DAC. This completes the process of bringing al cabling up to Statement Level.  At this point, there's really nothing left to upgrade, unless I should acquire the means to upgrade... 
Being alone with your music
For some of us, the act of listening is deeply personal and perhaps even therapeutic. Others enjoy sharing music with others, which is just as great. During the 70’s , when I, like so many other young people, were experimenting with "substances... 
Jazz for aficionados
@alexatpos  The structure of compositions, timing, duration of solo parts, the overall ’sound’ I find very hard to listen too. Again, speaking in general, but I did not find any music from that time that I like (not even the album I have posted ...