
Responses from stuartk

Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister  I stumble on a "fusion" song i did not like much instead of jazz did you mean this? M. Brecker seems to have played on quite a few releases that were not mainstream, acoustic Jazz, so it's conceivable that a "greatest hits" collec... 
Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby?
@mmcgill829 1) what sort of music do they prefer ? 2) How "picky’ are their ears? 3) What are their expectations regarding how a system might enhance their enjoyment of said music? 4) Are these expectations realistic, given their room and how... 
CD Transport
@bigkidz  For those who feel CD transports do not sound different, I invite you to our listening room where we have Audiomeca Mephisto II,  Metronome, Marantz, Cary, and a bunch of streamers to compare with your own ears. The crowd you're addres... 
Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim You mean "Opus Progressif" by Transit Express?  
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister I dont understand why jazz was so low and so less loved in the music charts... The same could be said regarding poetry, dance or abstract art. This is not a culture that prioritizes the arts, unless it’s the "art of the deal". Fort... 
Jazz for aficionados
McCoy + M. Brecker live:  
Jazz for aficionados
@frogman  Thanks for the generous list of  recommendations !   I look forward to exploring. BTW, I don't include guitar in the "all acoustic" stipulation because relatively few Jazz players actually use an acoustic instrument.    
Jazz for aficionados
@frogman RE: drummers, it may well be a misapprehension, based on the limited examples I’ve heard but my impression has been that Gadd is a bit "flashier". @pjw81563 I wonder if anyone in the audience at that L. Ronstadt show had any clue wha... 
Jazz for aficionados
Speaking of Grolnick and great drummers, Grolnick produced one of Scofield’s best releases: "Meant to Be" with Bill Stewart behind the kit. Bass duties were handled by Marc Johnson with Joe Lovano in the role of Sco's heavyweight sparring partner.... 
Jazz for aficionados
@pjw81563  Thanks for the recommendations. Not jazz, but check out how Grolnick utilizes his extended intro to add interest to a Rock tune:  /  
Jazz for aficionados
@pjw81563  Another pairing of Grolnick and both Breckers -- Don Grolnick's "Weaver of Dreams" re-released as a 2 cd set with Grolnick's "Night Town" -- both excellent, showcasing Grolnick's distinctive writing executed by two killer bands:  http... 
The use of digital pitch correction software on vocal recordings
@tylermunns  I was drawing a distinction between Pop made in the past that utilized band members or sidemen playing actual instruments and today, where producers combine samples in ProTools slather them in further effects and call it good. If th... 
The use of digital pitch correction software on vocal recordings
  Perhaps I’m ignorant, but my impression is that one is most likely to encounter this in contemporary Pop. As such music is heavily processed to begin with, why would this be a concern to its fans? I have difficulty envisioning Classical or Jaz... 
@tylermunns  In my case, I consider the processes tedious and frustrating, though certainly enjoyable at times when I can hear that my earnest efforts indeed yielded positive results. Wow -- this is not an admission I've encountered before! G... 
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister  ( i prefer jazz albums with no singers by the way and i made exceptions only for Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald voices or Chet Baker or Billie Holiday...In this album of Saft "Trouble" there few songs part where the singers are ...