
Responses from stuartk

Anti-cables VS. River Cable/cable lengths
Thanks for your suggestions. I need long (30 foot) runs and audioart only lists up to 12 foot runs on their site, Slaw3. Cincy_bob, I have contacted Morrow about the question of long runs, am waiting for a response. I also spoke with Paul at Clear... 
Anti-cables VS. River Cable/cable lengths
Somec59, I hate overly bright sound! My amp is quite "warm' for a s. state, however, and I could do with a bit more clarity. What are you using for amplification? 
Anti-cables VS. River Cable/cable lengths
Thanks Cincy_bob, for your input on both questions. What other cables have you compared with the Morrows in your decision-making process? 
Best low cost speaker cables for my system?
Tvad:Yeah, I guess I figured that as the Q10 uses both copper and silver it would likely not push the sound of the system too far in either a dark or bright direction, but this is just a guess on my part. The reviews I've read of the Q10 state tha... 
Best low cost speaker cables for my system?
Nice to hear some votes of confidence for the DH, but Tvad, I will look into the Ramelectronics stuff as well. 
Best low cost speaker cables for my system?
Tvad: Jeff At Value Audio states that the combined guage of the DH Q10 is 10, hence the designation, Q10. As I'm not a do-it-yourself-er, my tendency is to go with the Q10 rather than buying bulk cable and terminating it myself. The Q10 seems to a... 
Best low cost speaker cables for my system?
Sean,Your remarks are way over my head, unfortunately. The DH Labs Q10 uses a pair of 12 guage wire and a pair of 14 guage wire within one jacket. I don't know how this compares with your suggestion of 4X14 guage "spiral wrapped star quad design".... 
Best low cost speaker cables for my system?
Thanks for the ideas! 
Cable suggestions for new system?
Tvad: "cable lending library"? Never heard of that-- just another example of why audiogon is so valuable. Thanks, Tvad! Does anyone have experience with the low-cost Cobalt cables??????? 
Cable suggestions for new system?
Ryder: actually, to my very treble-sensitive ears the Creek amp is not bright at all, in combination with the Rotel. With these components, I wouldn't want to use a less detailed speaker than the B&W's.Thorman and Tvad: I will look into your c... 
Tips for warming up Rotel + B&W system?
JTgofish, Hammergjh: thanks for your comments. I hadn't thought to check whether the speakers are wired in or out of phase. Will do. As far as cd's go, my ears are painfully aware that cd's vary ridiculously in terms of quality. IMO, there's no ex... 
Tips for warming up Rotel + B&W system?
Goatwus, I'm not at all convinced that B&W 703's are "bad gear". I may yet arrive at such an opinion, but I heard a pair of 804's with classe SS amplification that sounded very rich and musical-- I just wasn't contemplating spending $10,000. a... 
Tips for warming up Rotel + B&W system?
OK, Dr. Lou, as you clearly have much more experience than I, (I'm obviously no audiophile-- just a passionate music-lover who's currently in over his head re: acquiring gear)-- I will bring up this issue with the salesman. I thought the Rotel was... 
How to warm up cold-sounding Rotel/B&W system?
Thanks for the ideas, guys. I agree that the speakers are probably not getting enough juice to bring them alive. Trying different amps is next. And, yes, the Creek 5350SE is on my list. Others have suggested McIntosh and Musical Fidelity. The prev... 
How to warm up cold-sounding Rotel/B&W system?
Thanks for the ideas, guys. I agree that the speakers are just not getting enough juice to bring them alive and that treying a different amp is next. Yes, the Creek 5350SE is one I plan to try. Others have suggested McIntosh and Musical Fidelity.