Responses from stringmun1
Should I replace my LP12? I bought my LP12 in '84...don't replace it!!! | |
Best "P" mount cartridge? I have several P-mount cartridges for sale which are new in the box if you are interested. Audio Technica and Shure. | |
Cartridge upgrades for Technics SL-1200MK2? I use a Shure V15III on mine. | |
Early Linn LP12 or VPI Jr.? I bought my LP12 in 1984...still sounds great! | |
oil change t/t I'm in the process of changing the bearing oil in my Linn Sondek...(it has been in storage for awhile). I ordered the actual Linn Bearing Oil from a dealer in Dallas. I would suggest using the oil specified by the manufacturer (even if u must orde... | |
chosing a cassette deck The Tandberg 3014 is a fine unit, as mentioned by Blueranger. I've been using a Studer A710 for over 20 a Porsche, it needs some tuning now & then...but it is a FABULOUS machine. Stay away from autoreverse units if u desire purity... |