
Responses from streetdaddy

Can you receive hdtv signals on dig. cable?
Thanks guys. Two more ?'s. What is STB? And while i'm at it, what the hell does YMMV mean? 
Looking for comments on Piega P2, P2 limited, P5
I've had a pair of the P10's for about 2 months now. They are beautiful to listen to and look at. Build quality is top notch. Takes a couple weeks to break in but then watchout! 
What's your profession? Age?
28 yrs old. Nurse Anesthetist 
Where R U?????
Cdr's to play in Res cd 50?
Heard the mitsu are the best. 
Buzzing sound coming from my amp
I have a very small hum coming from my speakers. I tried a cheater plug and the buzzing got much louder! What could this mean? 
I just got thru listening to Whiskeytown's "Strangers Almanac" and would be shocked if anyone doe'snt love this album!Awesome!! 
Where to find info on Tenor amps
Do these only come as monos? 
Tube Curious
Abecollins, I'm selling the Bat in order to get a ss amp. I don't have the Avalons yet. Kale 
Tube Curious
I am looking to sell my Bat vk60 only to get a powerfull ss amp to drive Avalons. Let me know if your interested Gunbei, i'll cut you a good deal. -kale 
Avalon or ProAc?
How did you rate the others DMA? 
power amp or integrated?--tube of course
I would also highly recommend the BAT VK60. Sounds and looks great. I just happen to have one here for sale. Reason for selling is only to get a ss amp with lots of power for some inefficient speakers i'm planning to buy. 
is BAT good with non-BAT components?
I run a resolution audio cd 50 into the vk 60 and it works great. I'm currently selling the Bat only to purchase a powerful ss amp to drive inefficient speakers. Would be great to make monoblocks for current vk 60 owners. 
Help with Avalon Opuses
Tireguy, it's funny you mention the bat 'cuz i have a vk60 already. I was going to trade it on a ss amp because i heard the avalons need PoWer. 
who sings this?
Thanks guys!This site rocks!!! Megasm, I'm going to pick up that cd tonight!