Responses from streamerdude
why do so many discussions turn contentious? There’s not going to be some magic moment at which all the posters sit around a virtual campfire toasting marshmallows, singing 'Kumbaya'. It’s just the way it is. | |
why do so many discussions turn contentious? It’s because people that exist primarily online have almost zero consequences for their cowardly bullying responses. They enjoy their “ virtual” power and most likely are miserable souls. They try to politicize anything. I bet most of them in per... | |
Referent point The best speakers were in the US embassy in Cuba… | |
Loudspeakers promiscuity and a list of my former passions Promiscuous, what a strange use of that word. I assume you prefer speakers with ports, front or back. | |
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee? I don’t have much sympathy for retailers. After all, your equipment depreciates 50% as soon as you leave the store. | |
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee? I don’t have much sympathy for retailers. After all, your equipment depreciates 50% as soon as you leave the store. | |
Putting it to bed Old audiophiles who cannot hear, but still want “ the best”, is the curse of this hobby. | |
What process do you use to purchase cables? I use a dartboard. | |
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear There’s one born every minute. | |
Critical listening and altered states Back in the late sixties-early seventies I thought ( as so many did too) that listening to music required an altered state. It took my mind away from the “ engineering mode” and allowed me to just indulge in the music. It was nice while it lasted. | |
Anybody own a component that sounds better with the cover off? I can hear my girlfriend much better with her top off. | |
No response from seller This happens all the time on the internet. It doesn’t matter what the item is. Yet another consequence of no consequences for folks hiding anonymously behind a computer screen. | |
Porsche jjss49….love the duck analogy….ducks are also notorious for crapping in perfectly clean pools | |
Porsche The fact that your wife “ allowed you” is problematical. My wife encouraged me to get my Porsches and Ferraris. However, she isn’t thrilled with the language I sometimes employ trying to get my Alfas to behave😉 | |
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill? Hey folks, just a reminder that malignant narcissists, such as the OP, believe any attention is good, negative or positive. All of my friends who became psychiatrists admit that the affliction is frankly untreatable. One hundred percent of the con... |