
Responses from stops

CartridgeCompatability:Arm/Amp Most Important?
I believe the low frequency cartridge/arm interaction is important for tracking a record that is not absolutely flat as well. 
Ground Issue
If the cheater plug works on the preamp then an isolating power transformer will break the ground loop (1:1 ratio). I suggest you use it on the preamp so it does not need a lot of power output. 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
Desalvo55: It should be a 3 by 5" card not a 3 by 4" card 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
Desalvo55:There is a good way if you can see across the arm at a 3 X 4 index card that has lines. You need to draw a 4" line on one of the horizontal lines on the card (call it AC). Start at"A" end at "C". Then at the pivot end of the arm (point "... 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
Manitunc: The math is trivial. The sine of 1 degree is .017 so depending on the distance of the stylus to the arm pivot this is an easy calculation.For the record (no pun intended) I do not hear or adjust for differences in LP thickness. 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
Deslavo55: If you have a REGA arm a very good investment is to add the VTA adjustment setup by Pete Riggle ( have it on my REGA 300 arm and it is superb and allows VTA adjustment on the fly. 
Origin DC Motor in LP12: Marketing or reality?
I have had the origin live Advanced Silver with upgraded transformer on my Linn LP12 since 4/06.It has been excellent in terms of reliability. The improvement in sound over the Valhalla was HUGE and I can absolutely recommend it. Installation was ... 
Ground Issue
I think you have a ground loop issue. Turn off all the equipment.PLEASE REMEMBER TO TURN OFF THE POWER AMPS EVERY TIME YOU CONNECT/DISCONNECT THE INPUTS TO THE AMP.Disconnect the inputs to the amp at the amp side and power up the units. If the buz... 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
I agree. That is why in the final analysis you have to trust your ears! 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
OOPS again to an earlier thread! I meant a 200 gram LP NOT a 200 mm one! I must proof these threads better! 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
Rodmann:That's about a degree if my math is right and it is a 9" tonearm.So the LP thickness is not setting the optimum SRA. Do you agree? 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
Rodman: Since a 4mm change will be a degree in SRA. A difference between a thin LP and a 200mm one will be substantial and more than a degree as I first thought-so you stand vindicated from my end!Do you have a range that you use in mm? 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
OOPS!! That should be 4.1 mm not 41 mm. Sorry about that. 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
Rodman: Your point is well taken. However the adjustment is VERY small for the record thickness (What is a Medium thickness record?). If you have the patience and the very good system and ears to hear it maybe you should do it. If my mathematics i... 
12" arms - VTA advantage?
For a 12" arm a 1 degree change in SRA would need a raising/lowering of the arm by about 0.21". For a 9" arm this number is about 0.16"