
Discussions stickman451 has started

What tables will you be looking At?24835
Portishead on vinyl14413
Do You Hear Print-Through on Trinity Revisited?22216
Best "Green River" Available on Vinyl?233412
Possible to Compare the DV XV-1 & Grado Statement?959323
Adding a Subwoofer to Khorns44196
Best Sounding SACD528712
High Quality Fuses in Amps1050931
What Do You Hear When You Adjust VTA?1370913
Best EL-34 Amps?5861455
Anyone Have the 10 CC Original Soundtrack Album11061
Leave Wrapped or UnWrap?16555
Matching Cartridge to Hovland Phono637812
Swapping Cartridges on the DV 507MKII25747
Do You Have 10cc's 'The Original Soundtrack'15773