Responses from sthomas12321
Finding a DAC that will process SACD's multi channel pcm can be sent through HDMI with the oppo | |
? about oppo Good as it gets in standard dvd video that is | |
? about oppo However a 983h as a transport, cant really be beat, its as good as can be had(read stereophile about the old 971 for there opionion as a transport feeding a good DAC it was as good as the Ayre cx-5e universal player, and that beat out the CX-7e sl... | |
Cambridge 840c vs. Bryston BCD-1 vs. Ayre CX-7e Seams like Bryston masters bass response, itss the same as in my 9bsst amp | |
Oppo 981 redbook sound Use it into a prepro for as good as it gets. Sterophile said the 971 (old unit) as a transport with a good DAC equaled to the Ayre cx-5 universal player that beat the cx-7e in 2 channel performance in there review! This only confirms what Ive been... | |
Cambridge 840c vs. Bryston BCD-1 vs. Ayre CX-7e I had the ayre in my system for a long time, but the 840c has amazing specs. Not to mention is years newer, and cheaper. Id like to hear the 840c. | |
Cambridge 840c vs. Bryston BCD-1 vs. Ayre CX-7e Cpk,did you own both the 840c v.2 and the cx-7, what lead you to this comment? | |
? about oppo Blu ray is so good, Ill never buy a dvd again. It would be nice to have a oppo983h to get the best out of standard DVD's. But its not really important after seeing blu ray. Obviously if you have a older hd display(rear project), or a small screen(... | |
Blue-ray player with good 2ch sound? I must say the new Marantz bd8002 looks amazing on paper. If it keeps moving marantz in the direction they have been heading lately, they are going to be putting out killer products. Keep in mind, the marantz bd8002 looks to be a good transport, d... | |
best way to break in new paradigm studio series I was being sarcastic, sorry if this wasnt obvious. | |
? about oppo Well,Ill add this. I just sold all my Ayre acoustics equipment(cx-7,k5xe,v-5xe). I now use a Anthem avm-30 and a PS3 transport with absolutely no sound loss. First let me say, I was going to keep my Ayre cx-7 cd player, but the truth is, I found a... | |
? about oppo Nobody ever believes me, but hi dollar equipment pieces will soon be dead. Technology is getting better and better. Look at oppo. It will beat out the hi dollar denons, and the 983 has said to do so in every review Ive read. Look at new released D... | |
Krell kav-400xi with show case dvd or dvd standad? There is no way the is a huge difference in the standard and showcase. This is 2008, amazing equipment at low cost. The difference between these both very high priced items are audible at best. Huge difference would be a $49.00 dvd player vs. the ... | |
Magnapan 1.6 and 65 inch tv Before buying any speaker, contact this guy he has the answers and knows how to word it without affending you.06-20-05: Ozzy62What a waste of a good speaker. I really have to laugh when I look at the systems posted on the Gon with big ole honking ... |