
Responses from steventoney

Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
thanks sql...I think I’m good with starting with the clearaudio concept wood for my first foray back into vinyl after 35+ noted earlier in the thread -- I listen to Harbeths -- specifically the M30.1 with a synthesis A100T tube integrat... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
BTW -- it is a learning curve on the AN-E as they have variety of models in a large price range -- I think as I get through this - first round of speakers for the new setup will likely come in the 5K to 15K range depending on what I end liking bes... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
back on track.... I will listen to some o/93 within the week.....before the move in 2 weeks..... I still have no options yet to hear Harbeth 40,2 and and o/96 -- I may well not have a big enough room for them -- we’ll see where I end up and measur... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
Did some more listening and learning today from the other hifi audio place close to me.. nice people as wellthis trip was to specifically listen to Harbeth and Audio Note Speakers..  some side listen to some shop made very large and very expensive... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
oops - that would be ATC Classic series  -- lots of ATC models have built-in amps -- that is not where I'm interested in going for this setup... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
inna -- thanks for that -- I think I’m after a Luxman 590 -- although that is a tempting offer..............trying to understand the difference between the AX and AX mkII Luxman integrateds -- These are difficult beast to go see in shops.. The pla... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
will be in WA -- Spokane.. moving van comes 2 weeks from day -- I drive away a day or two later after check out of the apartment -- 2500 miles to Spokane -- probably more with side trips along the way..thanks for the input ---  the Daedalus speake... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
thanks fson -- I will give the 0/93s a good listen before I move -- If I decide on Devore I may need to have the dealer I’m getting my local in house audtions and reeducation from a nod to selling me the speakers as there will be no dealer anywher... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
I'll report on the 0/93s..  fson... did you listen to other models before you bought your 0/93s -- 0/96 or Gibbon X..  I still have several other speakers to listen too before my purchase....  The Gibbon Xs seemed to do well through lows - mids - ... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
nothing was bad, but I spent 2 hours listening to various sources and different types of music on the Devore Gibbon X speakers -- as noted they sounded good --  They had devore 0/93s in the shop but not set up. I'll go back and listen to those wit... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
Well -- I got out and listened to some devore speakers today -- Gibbon X I liked the sound on a variety of material played through a clearaudio TT and some Auralic streamer and linear magentic integrated tube ampI still likely will stay on my Luxm... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
again thanks all for input.......... been away about 4 days in Shenandoah NP visit.. only 2 weeks before moving van comes.. I’m interesting learn about separate phone stages versus say the one built into the luxman 590axII -- as this was mention i... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
greg -- what are your direct usage and "hearing" thoughts on the luxman 590 and the accuphase e-600thanksbill - I get what you are saying -- I think I'm ready to get back to vinyl and exploreall -- I’m starting my education and asking and listenin... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
yes -- card or standalone - would be additional purchase with accuphase -- could go either -- there is also the consider of the 2 slots and the DAC card for some inputs -- but I'm mostly focused here on getting back to vinyl listening.. both luxma... 
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening
The Pass integrated is like the accuphase E-600/E-470 in that it seems it would need a phone stage bought separately... all considerations -- all good integrateds