Responses from stenersr
Mixing Tenor hybrid with SS multichannel for HT ? Good point! You are absolutely correct that it does that. Then really the only issue would be if your children, or other adults can/want/should switch the preamp setting or should they only operate the HT setup. | |
Mixing Tenor hybrid with SS multichannel for HT ? Let me share a thought process during my decision of trying to determine a configuration. I currently have the Meitner DCC2 for listening to music. I was thinking about going to a DAC6/Switchman and feed the music signal through it to utilize a si... | |
Mixing Tenor hybrid with SS multichannel for HT ? The only issue to address when using multiple amps is volume control for all the speakers. Optimally, you would like to use one volume control when listening to HT so that the volume is appropriate for all of the speakers. Unless the amps support ... | |
BWS Tube equipment? They are on my very short list of equipment to consider. | |
tweak, do they realy bring improvement? I think the level of improvement is proportional to the quality of the room the system is in. If it is an excellent room acoustically then the tweaks are not only apparent but necessary to make the system sound its best. So the answer is yes and s... | |
Has anyone listened to the Kharma midi references Bigbear, where are you located at? If you are near the Washington DC area you are welcome to stop by and listen to my Exquisite Midi Reference. They are not optimally set up yet as my room is not finished yet. But you can get a good sense of the c... | |
Warm Detailed Bi-Wire for Magnepan 3.6R Here are a few different suggestions based on my experiences with Maggie 2.7QRs and from a close friend who has the 20.1s. Just to warn you, one or more of the suggestions you may make think are a little crazy but there was considerable time spent... | |
Maryland,Wash.DC Metro area Hey! Im up for it also. I live in Vienna Va and would like to chat and get together. I currently meet with two other locals, Gainsville and Wash DC, in the area frequently. | |
Powered vs. Passive Speakers I have heard the 150s in the quest for a year long search for speakers. The impression that I came away with was that it was great on all music genre except for classical. The mids and low end were very accurate and impressive. But I tend to also ... | |
Amp for Maggies 3.6R If you happen to be near the Washington DC area you can listen and/or try my Warner 300 mono amps. They work very well on my Maggies. | |
EMM Labs DCC2 I am already living that dream. My wife when I met her had a Bose Wave a matter of fact we still have that thing! I am still trying to convince her that the new system will sound better. :)Actually, she was at CES with me last year and... | |
EMM Labs DCC2 It will be interesting to see if this arrives before my new Kharma Midi Exquisites! If they both arrive the same week I am not sure if I will survive the shock. | |
Best Pre Phono for a Colibrì There are two friends who are currently using the Colibri and one has the Manley Steelhead and the other is the Heron. Seems to work for them. | |
HDCDs from China? I had a friend who returned from a trip to China and came back with the latest Matrix movie. One week after the movie was released in the theater. The packaging was very professional looking. He showed it to me on a computer screen and after a few... | |
Will dedicated power lines eliminate ground loops What is "lifting the grounds"? |