
Responses from steam3642

Tube stage for CD player?
second the musical fidelity x-10d and upgrade the tubes to sovtek e88cc . worlds better than the standard philips 6922 
Vinyl playback is still a secret
Hi There Here is another reason for vinyl,many of the cds available are remastered from 20- 30 year old master tapes ie: reissue from 2000 onwards and due to ageing tapes the high resolution shows up the faults quite badly, having copies of lps th... 
i am trying to get a smooth vinyl sound from cd
Thanks guys , your comments have been most helpfull, i have a musical fidelity x-10d that i used on a cheaper player before i got the a324 dac /transport combo,it does smooth the sound at the expense of some lost detail, i will look at mains condi... 
Old Cd players: CAL ARIA MKIII vs Stax Quattro 2
stax quattro 2 i have owned both and the quattro was superior in build quality ,sound and features, the cal aria 3s transport was noisy and slow and the transformer had a hum,the quattro 2 has fixed and variable outputs so no need for a preamp, a ...