

Responses from stanwal

Anyone used a USB microscope to align cartridge?
The thing I really like about the Graham arm is that you align the cartridge by mounting it in the arm tube, then putting the tube on its back and placing the alignment gauge over the cartridge. So you are looking DOWN at the stylus THROUGH the al... 
Can all power cords be classified as 1 of 2 types?
Yes, good and bad. Seriously, I have found that mine sound different in different applications. You would expect this as the sound you hear is due to the interaction of two sets of electrical parameters, the cord and the component, and they will v... 
Are side firing woofers only for aesthetics?
Like everything else in audio the particular design is everything. Speakers like Audio Physics do very well with a side firing woofer that otherwise would not fit the cabinet. A narrow cabinet has less diffraction effects than a wide one so there ... 
Anyone used a USB microscope to align cartridge?
I should have added that I find a magnifying visor to be a great help, if sometimes awkward to use. On other occasions the small battery lights that attach with a headband make repairs a little easier. 
dual 505-3
I would go with the RED. I have one and it is quite good. The headshell is the part of the arm that holds the cartridge, as in this arm has a removable headshell. What you are referring to is the cartridge BODY , as opposed to the stylus, which is... 
Anyone used a USB microscope to align cartridge?
I know exactly what you are talking about; 20 years ago I use to align cartridges for fun, now it is a real pain. At the same time the cult of PERFECT ALIGNMENT has ascended to make us all feel guilty if we don't spend hours on it. I am willing to... 
What speaker for being close to rear wall?
I think the Naim speakers were designed for wall placement. There are more for this placement than you might think, I suggest a google search as my memory isn't what it was. 
Best length for analog cables from dac to preamp?
I have heard a similar argument advanced on speaker cables, most recently by Pierre at Mapleshade. I really don't understand this one either; supposedly the longer length loads the amp better or something. I never found any evidence of that. The m... 
New op amps, good idea?
This is the one I meant, you said you had been on the old ones previously.http://www.apogeespeakers.com/ 
New op amps, good idea?
I also have DSs, one currently needing repair. I am eventually going to upgrade them with better wiring and binding posts and eventually a better base. I have RELs myself but I doubt you will need them with the DSs. I had large subs when I was usi... 
Audio Physic Scropio versus Dynaudio C1
There is a good review of the Scorpio in the Nov/Dec 2007 HIFICRITIC. I was not sure when you said you had tubes on top of a Class D whether you meant to biamp or could use either. At least at that time the Scorpio had only one set of WBT termanal... 
New op amps, good idea?
To further Al's point, some makers are using NOS parts because they feel they are better for their particular application. Also a design may have been optimized using certain parts and the substution of "better" ones may destroy the balance achiev... 
what is the best, least costly DAC...?
Trebejo, I wish I was as smart as you and could know how something I hadn't heard sounded. After 50 years in Audio I have learned that the SOUND and not the COST is the important thing. Is what I am using logical? No. Does it sound good? Yes. Do I... 
Speakers on carpet or bare floor?
I tried the placement formula on the Cardas web site and it worked well; not a location I would have thought of myself. Mine are also heavy and moving them isn't fun.Glass is the devil to deal with. In my active dealer days I sold a pair of B&... 
re: Harmon Kardon Citation 25 Preamp
Do you really need a preamp?I would not put too much money into the HK as it wasn't that great in its own time and that was a long time ago. I would look into a good passive or volume control if I were you and put the money saved on repairs on tha...