
Responses from st01

Maintenance for Tube Preamps
I have used a CJ premier 14 for fourteen years with no maintenance other than tube replacement every two to four years. The only contact cleaning is with a rough cloth or br turning the RCA connectors a few turns. Sounds as good as new. Ed in the ... 
CJ Preamps: Premier 10 vs Premier 14 vs. "Classic"
I second Andr's reccomendations. CJ 14 is better, i.e. More neutral, than cj10. The 16 is even better. I do not have experience with the "classic" so cannot comment on it. 
Levinson 432/436 turn on 'pop'
HAve you tried powering the amps directly from the wall socket and avoiding the power conditioner? Very few conditioners can handle the demand that high power amps place, especially the peak at turn on. 
Which makes more sense? - CD player vs SACD
sACD is not moribund. I have been buying quite a few classical and jazz pieces, and there is rock available. I find the sacd layer to be superior to or equal to the cd layer on hybrid disks, and many high end dealers will use sacd or hi rez digita... 
Piano and Trumpet can sound bright
I have the same cables (Kimber silver streak from CD to pre, PBJ from pre to power and 8TC speaker cables) ... the silver streak can be bright unless matched with a very high quality source. I have heard the same for the KCAG. I have a live room (... 
Best speakers in the 3000 -5000 range
A great speaker that you can get used for around 2K is the Thiel 3.6 as many owners are upgrading to the 3.7 which sells for 13K. It demands high current amps as impedance dips down to 2.5 ohms. Your Hegel is rated at 120 watts into 8 ohms, 240 in... 
Absorption/Diffraction..1st reflective points...
a website linked to the RPG site indicated absorption is better than diffraction in smaller rooms, meaning rooms one would find in homes that are less than palatial in size. 
Best Record You Have Ever heard
Its hard to pick a single best recording from the many (but still not enough!) out there ... so I will just pick the most recent one I have heard. It is Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade played by Chicago Symphony and conducted by Fritz Reiner. Was r... 
Buying used or sight unseen speakers a bad idea?
Large metro areas have very reputable dealers who will sell used equipment at a reasonabkenprice; perhaps not as low as a private deal, but for the difference you get piece of mind. Some examples are Audio Consultants in Chicago or Goodwins in Bos... 
Seeking advice on how to improve my system
To all nine responders in under 24 hours ... thanks for your inputs!I have noticed an improvement from moving the speakers further away from the sidewall, and moving the sofa that was between the speakers to a side wall. Lyrics on vocals are now c... 
From high end digital to beginners analog?
You have not specified your system, I.e. What you mean by high end digital. If you already have a high end digital system, why do you want a low end/entry level analog system? With modern cd and especially SACD players, let alone even higher resol... 
Best CD player under $25000.
How many live concerts do you attend in a month or year? 
Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs?
Sony 5400es CD/SACD player. Awesome sound quality. Makes one wonder why people are paying 5x or more for the same quality. Also the SACD's that I can now listen to. The Fritz Reiner -Chicago Symphony recording of Scherezade is unbelievable! Record... 
Mark Levinson n°39 or dedicated DAC?
Hello Tonyptony ... responding to your question my unit is the Proceed CDP from 1997. I am not aware of a CDP2 or 3; they used that type of designation for an earlier generation product called PDP, PDP2 and PDP3. Is that what you were thinking of?... 
SACD vs. Redbook and other formats
The quality will depend on a number of factors. First the quality of the performance, then the quality of the original recording, and finally whether it is a Redbook CD or a SACD. In many cases the hybrid SACD's use the CD layer from a previous re...