
Responses from splaskin

Graham Phantom
Gee guys, I don't have my Zeta box anymore. I think I sold it in 1984?Steve 
Graham Phantom
A Koetsu Jade Platinum hangs at the end of my Phantom. A Basis Debut V Vacuum turns the vinyl.Today I listened to Johnny Cash-American IV. This wonderful artist and recording carried me to a very special place.As good as the 2.2 is; it never did t... 
Redbook Comparison Esoteric and Reimyo
Sorry guys, I have lived with the Esoteric UX-1 and XO-1. Yes, the X0-1 is the better sounding player on RBCD. And yes, the Reimyo sounds better with the single ended outputs. This is just my opinion-not law! As for the balanced outputs, I am awar... 
Redbook Comparison Esoteric and Reimyo
The Esoteric XO-1/UX-1 I feel are inferior to the Reimyo CDP-777 on RBCD. By the way, the Reimyo is not less bright or less detailed. The Reimyo is not soft or warm sounding. The Reimyo has more body to the sound and is more relaxed in its present... 
best CD player for you:Reimyo,P8i,AA,Esoteric x01.
Hooper,The use of the Harmonix Studio Master AC cable is a must with the Reimyo. This cable sounds like it rolls off the high end on my other components, but sounds just right with the Reimyo. Another example of audiophile BS.Steve 
best CD player for you:Reimyo,P8i,AA,Esoteric x01.
Husk01,The Reimyo's balanced outputs are derived off the single ended outputs. I tried both, and preferred the single ended outputs by a wide margin. My Reimyo is driven by a PS audio P1000 Power plant. The signal cables used are Revelation Audio ... 
best CD player for you:Reimyo,P8i,AA,Esoteric x01.
Emigene,I believe I know what you are looking for, as I went through a similar process with my Esoteric UX-1 and the EMM products. I think you will find the Esoteric X-01 to be too analytical, especially if the EMM is not statisfactory for you.The... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Thanks for taking me to this well written review of the Wilson Maxx2 speakers. What do guys like RH, MF, MC know about audio?I am hoping that some of the Wilson Maxx2 speaker owners will see the light and sell their speakers for a good price. I wo... 
EMM DCC2/CDSD versus Esoteric X-01
The UX-1 and X-01 are cut from the same “sonic cloth”. They both are very neutral with no warmth to the sound. In many systems they may sound hard or bright. The X-01 is no better in this regard than the UX-1. In fact, the UX-1 sounds a little les... 
EMM vs Remiyo
Hooper,When you tried the Reimyo, did you use the single end or balanced outputs?Steve 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
Do a search for Reimyo dealers in Yahoo. E-mail the dealers; they will have you call them for a price. I don't wish to get anyone in trouble.Steve 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
The player is $15,500 without AC cord unless it has recently increased in price. It can be purchased for under $12K new or for less used if you shop around.Steve 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
The Reimyo CDP777 is very special. It is so musical, that I actually look forward to listening to CDs. In fact, I find that CDs reproduced on it are as musically satisfying as the SACD or DVD-A. Only vinyl still outperforms the CDP-777 in my syste... 
Looking for a great arm that is low maintenence
Thanks for the album recommendation Sirspeedy.Like yourself, I have all the orignal Mercury and RCA stereo recordings. Steve 
Looking for a great arm that is low maintenence
Thanks for the kind words Sirspeedy.If we get back to the original question requesting a tonearm of low maintenance, then the Graham 2.2 or Phantom does the job.This weekend I listened to a number of my old Mercury Living Presence stereo recording...