
Responses from spiritofmusic

Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Stephaen on the 6Moons site has written an extensive review trying the QOL between a variety of systems and listeners with fairly non-conclusive, and frankly, underwhelming results.It seems that it's effects are subtle, but my biggest issues with ... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
213Cobra, you mentioned tube based power amps up to c.30W/ch would suit the Def4s. I'm currently running a Hovland tube HP 200 preamp with a Hovland 125W/ch poweramp into my Def2s, which sounds sublime.Even on a loud listening session I v.rarely g... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
All the QOL proponents out there ought not to take our cooler, skeptical thoughts about it to heart too deeply, like all components, if it works for you in your system, that's great.The rest of us can muse as to it's technical merit, and in my opi... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Agree with Glory, 213Cobra, you're a Godsend in setting down really detailed info that gets to the heart of the technical, and, more important, subjective experience of the Def4 experience over and above the Def2s.Until this point I've really been... 
Thoughts on Neutralaudio X-Drei, wrt BSG QOL
There's a really vigorous debate on the dedicated QOL thread. The majority of listeners are positive on sound improvement delivered by the unit, but others are skeptical, and a few have surmised it is a mid-side processor (a process most audiophil... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
My only technical query re Def4s is that the sub bass is downward firing into the floor. I know this is an established practice since many dedicated subs work the same way, but it all seems counterintuitive. Can anyone put me right on the pros of ... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
I'm finding the principle/effects of this device more obtuse the more it is being discussed, partially because without a dealer in uk/europe, free trial is inconvenient (no blame ascribed to BSGT), so I can only go along with opposing comments and... 
Thoughts on Neutralaudio X-Drei, wrt BSG QOL
I guess that I'm commenting on the lack of user comments on A'gon. The X-DREI has had same overall limited coverage as the QOL (1 review each, minimal advertising), both promise substantial improvements over regular signal, but QOL ends up getting... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
I have really dug my Def2s over the 5 years I've owned them, even more so with the SpatialComputer Black Hole sorting out bass integration issues in my room.My main issue with them has always been the tweeter, which I feel has restricted the spkrs... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
To disagree with Dev, it is one thing to change the performance (good or bad) of a component with a power cord/interconnect/tweak, and another to alter the actual signal with a whole new black box between pre amp and power amp. Indeed, the makers ... 
Thoughts on Neutralaudio X-Drei, wrt BSG QOL
So, the X-DREI merits so little discussion (your comments, Al, notwithstanding) as compared to the BSGT QOL which has had a TON of comments.I'm a little confused as to how 2 units which claim to have such a fundamental improvement to sound quality... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Douglas says he has heard the unit, and we should all take that as read Ozzy, as with all statements on A'gon. He's listened to it on multiple systems, so his opinions have as much validity as those also who've auditioned it, but like it in their ... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Douglas, I completely concur with your principle that the more components you add (and, hence interconnects added) the more signal degradation must occur. Also I agree that there should be a wow factor reasonably immediately apparent, esp. if one ... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Douglas, in Europe we can't easily get an audition so I am sifting thru people's opinions to get a flavour of how this unit works. I can see where you are coming from in deciding against the unit if it improves presentation in some ways, but at th... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Musicxyz, us long-term Zu Def owners have always loved the authentic tone dense sound of the crossoverless FRDs in the design, but I am bowled over that you rate this improved design as superior to such uber speakers as the Wilson Grand Slam, esp....