
Responses from spiritofmusic

Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Well made, yes. I can't comment much, not being an engineer, but things seem a lot more "bulletproof" than the Audions. How much this impinges on SQ I don't know, but they are a lot more tank-like than any other valve amps I know except for other ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Guys, the Nats really provide a lot more bass grip and punch than my previous Black Shadows. The Audion Quattro dual mono line stage was maybe a tad more transparent than the Nat Utopia pre, but the SE2SE 211s are the proverbial "iron fist in a ve... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Guys, time to awaken this semi-dormant thread.Just replaced my Audion amps w/a suite of Nat Audio amplification.Utopia 2-box tube pre.SE2SE 211 SETs, using NOS 1948 GE bottles.75W/ch powering my Def4s in an 8000 ft*3 volume space.My jaw is still o... 
Spatial Computer Velocity Bridge VB1
Mofi, can you be a little more instructive. How exactly is it physically installed after taking it out of it's packaging? 
Spatial Computer Velocity Bridge VB1
Guys, I'm about to order my second BlackHole anti-bass wave generator from Spatial, and may add these VBs to the order.May I ask a particularly stupid q - how is the VB fitted to the spkr terminals? Is it a soldering job, or does it "clip/slot" in... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
John, this isn't going to wk for me since I'm running a Soundsmith Straingauge cart. But I am happy to hear Vic's current setup, I'm sure it's really sweet.Sgunther, concur w/you, the mag feet are stupendous, in some ways more radical than the mag... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Dentdog, I run a Westwick 8kVA balanced transformer utilising a mega 150lb coil. This is prob the closest you can get to an uber transformer like the Equi=Tech 10 kVA beastie, at least here in the UK. As you know I listen via Def4s.Balanced power ... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Edgy and revealing can seem v.similar in character. One can have a v. edgy sounding system w/ or w/out detail present. The mag feet will reveal at lot more detail, but I have an issue w/uber resolution in edgy systems, where the sum total is total... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
SGunther, the mag lev feet are a no brainer, the only caveat being they may make a thin strident sounding system too edgy. Normal tonal balance or even an overly-warm sound will really be perfect. I've come to the conclusion after a rocky start, t... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
I had a brief audition of the Golden Dreams w/my Zu Def4s, and in comparison to the Black Shadows, I felt they were, pun intended, dreamy, and more pun intended, just a little sleepy. The BS's, otoh, feel like being fully awake/alert.I am sacrific... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Simon, do post your thoughts here. I don't want user experiences to be too limited to just me and a few others.I still contend Entreq grounding is a revelation, that uniquely of all major upgrades, leaves the voicing/character of one's system UNCH... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Sure Jordan, good luck w/that build. I'm planning a move in 2yrs, and am actively considering a dedicated listening room to be built from scratch.Looking fwd to the Lundahl upgrade, hum has always been an issue from day 1 - lower noise will be a b... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Guys, just paid a deposit for an order of upgraded Zu Def4 sub amp Hypex modules w/Lundahl transformers, and in my case, custom ground posts per channel.This is promising to reduce some of the mains hum I've never been able to eliminate w/the modu... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Simon, interesting link. I've actually plumped for the top of the range Westwick 8kVA unit, custom built w/10 o'l's hard wired, meaning I can use it as in effect an over specced distribution block. It's 65kg+, and 8kVA, so not far off Mike Lavigne... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Hi S, I wouldn't try connecting to the EquiTech just yet, I'll check w/the Entreq dealer on this. My biggest bang for $/£ was grounding my tube preamp. Maybe go for your headphone amp first? Worth experimenting on going thru the different options ...