
Responses from speedbump6

Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?
The don’t show measurements in many cases Because they haven’t devised measurements that can show the differences that we can hear. Most manufacturers state that they won’t post details of their cables because they don’t want their competitors to ... 
All New Pure Audio ONE Integrated Amp Reviewed!
Don’t be a newbie riaa, it says valve like performance in the review, lol.  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
B4, the only thing g that matters? Because you say? The only thing that matters is how it affects the sound, period. Other than the sound, why are we in this hobby. If you hear a difference worth spending the money on, then do it. If you don’t, th... 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
They were definitely simpler times glupson. Back before we knew everything matters. Cables, jitter, isolation, rf. We were probably as happy with the sound back then as we are now. I ambiance driving the nicest cars from the 70s compared to today’... 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
Radio Shack used to be the place to go to for stereo equipment back in the day. I guess there’s no need to evolve from those days, it made noise, right? Lol.  
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
Jason, your powers of observation seem to be severely lacking if you believe that to be true. Obviously you are in your own camp two with your ability to observe. There could be another camp you missed.. Those ones look at things they can’t afford... 
Tekton speakers with Ribbon / AMT ??
He never mentioned those when I talked to him on my ulfers, definitely intresting. Amts are similar to ribbons, but are folded accordion style and squeeze the air to produce sound. Also has much greater surface area, allowing smaller movements . E... 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
Hey, some guys who get it.lol. Don’t let anyone tell you what you hear. Listen and decide for yourself. We all have varied tastes, decide on your own favorite flavor.  
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
So Danny doesn’t know what he’s talking about suddenly?  I don’t think it explains all the what’s and why’s, but does represent an example that cables can and do make a difference. There is a video I’ve posted a few times, even on one of genes vid... 
Here’s the deal, if you hear it, then it is obviously doing something. What that is some feel hasn’t been explained, I’ve seen explanations from different manufacturers that claim different solutions in their products. Is that true? I can’t say. A... 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
And an admission of your comprehension issues. We are indeed making progress today. Good on you, bravo. 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
glupson, so now you’ve admired that you did not comprehend your own post, and that you did indeed say that you desired a lambo. I know it’s hard to face the truth sometimes, so thank you for owning up to it. Lol two left. It’s the small nuances li... 
Explain what is a clean power amplifier?
Listen to songs five seconds at a time? 
... abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound...
Thyname, he will never understand, because he chooses not to. 
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?
You guys are all missing the point. Testpilot has burst my bubble. Bigfoot doesn’t exist? I had a docuseries with discovery channel to search for Bigfoot all set up, and now it’s gone. Someone had to be pretty bored to start this thread lol