
Responses from souporhero

H2O Audio Owners
What don't you like about restored scintillas? 
Nuforce 9.02 + Eggleston speakers
Thank you both for your input. 
mephisto IIX or ayre cx7-e
I have actually heard the AMM. and wow! Very nice. I have not heard the Ayre. It seems that the finish on the Ayre is more durable when it comes to scratches. It seems the Ayre is a more sensible buy, but the AMM, hmmm. 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
Well, I got a REL strata III sub about a week ago. I set it up exactly as the manual states, but I am still playing with the volume and crossover positions. At first I set it up where I couldn't really hear the difference with or without the sub. ... 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
I finally got the 50lb Foundation Designer II 24" speaker stands yesterday. I was listening until 2am last night. I have tried three main speker positions. 1. 4'from back wall/toed in/1'from side walls2. 1'from back wall/toed in/1'from side walls3... 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
Well, Last night I finally got a pair of Harbeths in black. They are in great condition...much better than the stuff in the shops. The nice guy that I bought them from gave me a quick demo, and I was ready to go. Now all I have to do is find some ... 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
What about chartwell? 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
Jrd351,What about getting a new pair from STIRLING BROADCAST? 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
I have since moved over to the recomended LS3/5a site...I'll let you all know what happens if I end up getting the speakers.Over and out. 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
Quadophile and all, I guess that means that I can expect to get about 93db from this set up. I signed up for yahoo, so I'll see you over there soon. I guess the reason that I am interested in the LS3/5a at all is because I was out looking at tube ... 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
Thanks everyone.I have looked at the site...good stuff. On one hand, the site makes me think that the LS3/5A is perfect for me because I want really great soundstaging and liquid vocals. On the other hand, it did say that the 15ohm v... 
LS3/5A & Pass Labs
The used shop in question has several (4-6) pairs of LS3/5A and the prices vary as stated above. Is there something that I should look for when buying these speakers. I am in Hong Kong, and the shop in question is not the type to give a refund aft... 
Verdict on Pure Note, Ridge Street w solid state ?
Can someone please comment where these cables put the soundstage: up in front or far behind the speakers...for example, I read that Acoustic Zen cables puts the singer further back while Audience cable present the singer front and center. thanks 
Help -- my system is too bright
Ditto the ProAc/brightness comment from Drubin. I loved them when I had them, but when getting new speakers, I wanted speakers that could make all the bells and whistles in Hi Fi...well, sound like bells and whistles. 
Aleph 3 with Micro Utopia?
Marakanetz The Aleph 3 is rated at 60wpc at 4 ohms.