
Responses from sonrisa

Beware of PayPal
I have closed my account with paypal, but not without considerable difficulty. i did get hold of them on the phone, and after considerable attempts, did finally close the for the reasons, mostly the difficulty in contacting them and ge... 
Out of Control
hey pbb, you really are an audiophile. most sound like lawyers, argue and argue and come up with the same result. but you at least say it how you feel it..have a good christmas, and may we have peace out of control.... 
Cd Player shootout ; which is the best of the best
I have just purchased the audio aero, though it hasnt been shipped as of yet..I auditioned this superb cd player at a friends house who was deep into analog, and sold them all for this player. his opinion was, you have a cd player, which needs no ... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I have to agree with Calloway and Snook2. The Piega P10's are without a lot of fanfare, but listen to them next to the avalons, revels etc. and tell me that they don't sound as good or better, and the price is not astronimical. Close your eyes, li...