
Responses from solda

Does the Telsa Plex Outlet accept 10 Gauge wire?
Mine sure did..enjoy. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Joeyboynj ... I believe that the outlet is in the $75 region. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Tell us about the ART (nt) 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Totally agree. I run a small business so I can relate on how many things are on the "to do list" so I am sympathetic. The problem is that I live in the middle of nowhere, with absolutely no high end dealers for many many hours, and the internet a... 
DIY cable elevators
I cut moderately thick plexiglass, around 8" long, used a heat gun to heat them up and bend them in an "A" shape, shaped a indentation on the top ... and viola you have your diy cable elevators. I previously diy'ed elevators utilizing porcelain el... 
Anyone heard the MIT Oracle V2.2 spkr cbl upgrade?
Dave_b - I've looked at those a couple of times but people don't talk that much about them. Out of curiosity what other power cords have you tried. Thanks! 
Synergistic Research B&W spec series
Thank you for your kind offer superkrell but I was inquiring about the B&W SPECific series speaker cables, so I don't need the manual but thanks for the offer. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I have installed an furtech iec in my Monster 7000 power conditioner. I already use a T3 on my rotel 1090 (which is directly plugged into the wall. The rest of my gear is plugged into the Monster power conditioner. Should I put a T2 or T3 on the p...