
Responses from socrates7

SS amps for merlin vsm
If you're okay with spending on cables (and if you have GR then it seems that you are), I'd try and get my hands on some alternative cables. Don't ignore those power cords, either. I've had spectacular luck with Clarity Cables. Best freakin' bass ... 
interconnect upgrade Question
I'd give a look at the soon-to-be-released Black Cat Morpheus XL speaker cables. They're dynamite and significantly more linear and extended than my Blue Jeans cables. Drop Chris a note on his site if you're interested. 
Magnepan 3.7
I heard the 20.1 and the 3.7 back to back. Bought the 3.7 on the spot, no question at all. 
SS amps for merlin vsm
I'd still check out Red Wine Audio. A Pass or Boulder integrated will give you a whole different experience, but will be more pricey, but they're also rather more linear than what it seems you've tried. Assuming your Merlins are like my Merlins th... 
I need your opinions, comments on Plinius Koru
Bump! Any thoughts? Anyone used one of these and perhaps compared it? 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Not sure anyone is interested in total amp overkill, but a Class A Plinius amp managed to do ... ah ... something to the bass of my Merlins. Yeah. I had NO IDEA that 6" drivers could DO that. WOW.BTW, GIK Acoustics is pretty good stuff. Affordable... 
Good tube integrated for Merlin speakers?
I think the sound quality of the Joule-Electra is pretty remarkable, with a top end and upper mid that is untouchable by anything that isn't an OTL. It's just incredible. But the Ars Sonum, being a transformer based amp, does stuff in the mid-bass... 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Ok, tweeter aside, back to the OP!I've recently tried a Luxman L-590aII integrated on my VSM-MXR speakers and thought the pairing very interesting. Like the Sugden, the Luxman class-A sound might be considered by some to be a bit euphonic, but tha... 
SS amps for merlin vsm
I've been running a Luxman L-590aII for the last week with my Merlin VSM-MXR speakers. Love the combo. That "little" (60lb!) integrated is a really fine piece of kit and, if you're looking for solid-state sound, I don't think you could ask for mor... 
Good tube integrated for Merlin speakers?
Been awhile, thought I'd update the thread (for posterity, if nothing else).I did in fact get the Ars Sonum integrated. Loved it. Used it for 2 years with my beloved VSM-MME speakers. The combo was fantastic. Over the course of our relationship (a... 
Luxman M-600A
I've heard the amps are great -- I'm quite taken with the sound quality of the L-590aII. So, a question: is there a pre-amp that mates well, other than the C-800f? I've heard that that pre isn't up to the same level of quality that the amp is (but... 
Ortofon Kadenza Blue or Shelter 501
Both are good carts. As for "enough gain", try this calculator: 
Confused about gain: phono + pre, or just phono?
"I would just set your phonostage for 65dB is you have a 0.25mV cartridge and get on with listening to music."I would have done just that, but this thread was more "since I don't have one, carts with what parameters should I be looking at". 
Confused about gain: phono + pre, or just phono?
Mihaitaa -- very helpful, thanks. FWIW, I think you're right. Or rather, that (my understanding of) Harley is way off. 
Cart recommendation for a Joule Electra OPS2 Phono
Right. Loading plugs. Crap. Forgot that .... Ok, I'll look into that pronto. I should be good to go with my current setup, but for the next iteration, those plugs will be necessary.I'm really psyched to get all my JE gear. ;-)FWIW, Michael Fremer ...