

Responses from snook2

Kill Top End Extension - All Silver Ribbon Cables
Usable bass to 8 Hz ? I doubt that. Were you able to set those speakers up correctly. Having 2 speakers and 2 bass units can be a bear to get right. 
Recommend LCD / plasma TV ?
This has become a mind boggling experience in going from store to store and trying to get the best tv for the money. I too am looking for a 42 inch with the best HD. The best warranty and the best price. Take me to the leader 
Kill Top End Extension - All Silver Ribbon Cables
You've changed everything but the cables. Borrow some other cables{copper] from the Cable Co. and see if this helps. The most important link is your speakers. If they don't have the capability of extended highs nothing else in front will make a di... 
Tubed amps for WP7s
I may have missed a thread. Have you listened to the 7's with the Dartzeel. If so you have a valid point. My experiences with the 7's were that they needed power to get the bass right. The bass and dynamics of Wilson's speaker is their strong poin... 
Upgrade Von Schweikert VR-4 to Dunlavy SC-IV?
I agree with Krell man on the transparency issue. They did make several up grades to help the situation. These are big speakers that sound their best in a fairly big room and placed on the short wall. If you don't have the room Tvad had a good ide... 
Anyone else evolve beyond tubes?
Indeed an asset to the audio community. The most fun was his insight into amp technology and what he knows about some of the leading amp manufacturers. They differ from some of the reviewers. IMAGINE THAT I am trying to be diplomatic and not menti... 
Anyone else evolve beyond tubes?
My info came from the gentleman who owns Vintage Tube Services. I ordered new tubes and he explained the problems he has with NOS in bulk. He checks all tubes before sending them off. Lots are failed or don't test to his standards. BTW I retubed w... 
Anyone else evolve beyond tubes?
Most tube amp manufacturers agree that there has been lots of bad tubes. One of the tube sellers told me that he has tested over a 50% failure rate on one of his brands and not much better on some others. 
Anyone else evolve beyond tubes?
I had more problems with tube amps. Constant tube failure. I owned MacIntosh, Cary,Wolcott, Manley and never had perfect operation past 3 months. 10 years of tubes and a year ago tried the Datrzeel. A year of zero problems and better sound and con... 
Tubed amps for WP7s
Oneobgyn, have you heard the Dartzeel? 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
Agree with the Dartzeel amp and pre. Most beatiful sound and there is NO TUBES! sorry tube lovers 
Tubed amps for WP7s
The 610 are a new beast with less tubes. New architecture allows it to be convectionally cooled but fans are still an option. An amp I chose instead of the 610's was a Dartzeel. Excellent dynamics and musicality. Though its SS its better sound tha... 
Tubed amps for WP7s
The Audio Reseach 610's would be one of the last and only choice I would make as far as tubes go. Pushes the speaker to its limits 
New Patricia Barber cd "Mythology"
Audphile1, I agree with you %100. She is a extremely talented singer but her choice of songs has my head shaking. Many of the songs are reruns. Cafe Blues had the energy 
accuphase vs dartzeel
Hi Adhoc, I will trade you the Accuphase for the Dartzeel. Email me