
Responses from snofun3

Best subwoofer for 2 channel Hi End system
1) Aerial SW 122) Revel B153) ML Descent4) The other stuffI listened to everything, and wanted the Aerial, but found the $1.5k premium over the Revel to be too much. So I ended up with two B15's. If you think two is too much, then you don't know a... 
Speaker recommendation for media niche.
Without knowing price range, if you want to go cheap, the small psb speakers are excellent in such spaces, as they were meant to go close to the wall.Suggest you define a price range so we can help. 
Thanks to Agon members and Agon staff.........
I have to agree with both Porschecab and Dopogue - this is a great place to lose track of reality for a few moments on a relatively victimless site, but I am also finding the disappearing threads of late more than a little disconcerting.I have cor... 
Cleaning Cassette Decks
Isopropyl Alchohol (at the pharmacy) and cotton tipped swabs 
Can a DAC help?
Sorry - clarification - 5.1, 7.1 et al are resolved in the preamp, receiver or whatever, assuming you're using the coax out. If you use the analog outs, then the DVD player is resolving the multichannel.I was thinking of DVD-A, SACD when I write t... 
Can a DAC help?
A DAC goes between a CD player and the preamp or receiver, and takes the place of the internal DAC in the CD player.If you intend to use the DVD for music then fine, a DAC may or may not have a positive influence - see if you can borrow one first,... 
Where to place room treatment?
Good suggestions provided already, particularly regarding first reflection points which is the first area to tame.You need to try all different potentials with room treatments, and without knowing your equipment, wall type, room size and materials... 
best sub?
I went through this with my dealer when I was looking, and in ascending order - REL Stadium, Martin Logan Descent, Revel B15 and Aerial SW12.I settled on the Revel (I have a ML system) because the EQ works great in my room, and the Aerial SW12 is ... 
inexpensive transport for benchmark dac 1
Careful on the Pioneer DV47. Mine was a complete POS, taking three trips back to the shop before it quit for good (wouldn't power up) a month ago. My dealer whom I trust says it's very uncommon, but that was my experience. 
What about a product can irritate you?
When I had some Monster cables with their "turbine" connectors they loved to try to pull out the RCA's they were connected to. Gave those away to someone who I wasn't real enamored with - let them make his day!Having black-on-black writing on the ... 
Review: Behringer DEQ2496 Equalizer
Eldartford,Is this thing clean enough to be left in-line with the rest of the system? I know you say you can't hear a difference in sonics switched in and out, but when the volume is at 11 there's no additional noise - ie the S/N's pretty darn goo... 
16 ohm speakers: Pros & cons
Ohm rating is not an indication of goodness or badness, it's a measure of driver efficiency.A 16 ohm speaker will take more amp power to drive. 
High speed internet via electrical power lines
I had a BSR X10 remote system thing, like you get at Radio Shack that turns outlets into remotes by sending a pulse through the line into a receiver, so you can imitate trailer trash and have a silent clapper that turns lights, appliances etc on /... 
ready to drop the hammer an a new hk avr235
Forget about the size of power cords - go look at an arc welder to see if size matters.Understand the way sound / power works - it's logrithmic. Doubling the power will give you a "just noticeable" difference in sound volume. But for a doubling of... 
What's Going On?? Sound changes every night
I have dedicated AC with seperate ground, and still have what you describe.Rather than guess, or have the expense of an electrican, why not take a VOM (Volt Ohm Meter) and plug into your wall socket - just leave it on while you're listening. When ...