
Discussions smoffatt has started

STP distance. Is it critical ?1056435
LessLoss Signature vs Synergistic Python CX181749
Lys Pure Azure vs Sutherland Timeline30533
Ortofon A90 with Graham Phantom971524
Soundsmith's turnaround time?5356166
Stealth power cables with 20amp IEC32435
Dynavector XV1's vs XV1't29294
Graham Phantom II + Dynavector XV1's need help613411
Bel Canto USB Link 24/96 vs Empirical off ramp 350693
Max audio converter FLAC to AIFF34663
CEC Transport....Which one?36883
PC vs MAC laptop as music server2206339
To all Canadian residents. Hi Rez downloads20564
Looking for a good Transport. Help.566012
HD Music downloads vs CD purchases.32074