
Responses from smodtactical

First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
I do hope the ARC will sound richer and more musical than my AGD HE9 SS preamp. :) 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
@mirage-71 Which EVO model do you have and what other tube preamps did you compare to ?@mulveling Thanks man. I think it was between the Ren V and this older ARC and I thought about your comparisons and what you said about this. I think maybe I wo... 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
@tomic601 thanks man ! Appreciate the tips@ghdprentice beautiful systems! Truly end game 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
@ghdprentice Thank you for your sage and kind comments man. It makes me feel good that I made the right decision. I really look forward to my first experience with tubes :DWhat does the rest of your system look like ? 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
Guys so I ended up buying a used ARC Ref 5SE. I found it for the same price as my local dealer was offering for the ref5.Gonna have it sent to ARC to check over and ensure in good condition and then they will ship to me.Thanks for all your help!!!... 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
LOL I am just terrible man :( 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
So my wife actually bought the ref5 that my dealer has on consignment ($6900 CAD all in). Tomorrow I will talk to the dealer to finalize pickup. She was tired of my waffling and just made the decision. But I am concerned that its not a very good p... 
Help: Shindo Mobrinson or EAR 868
is ear at the same level as shindo? 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
@pointtrucking whats wrong with rogue ? 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
@scottya118 Thanks I am looking at the backert.Right now though im leaning heavily to Aric audio's motherlode 2. He seems to have unanimous praise. One guy on audiogon actually preferred it over his  Pass XP22. 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
Has anyone compared LTA MicroZOTL vs LS28, ref5se or VAC Renaissance V ? 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
Read 1 guy preferring motherlode 2 to his Pass XP22. Thats pretty impressive.I think @teajay also liked ML2 over his microzotl. But so far have not seen anyone compare ML2 to VAC or ARC. I wonder. 
Accuphase e800 or luxman m900u for sonus faber olympica nova 3
Just want to say if your looking for Aries Cerat, recommend Bob ( @worldwidewholesales  ). He is a great guy and dealer! 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
I wish someone compared them though. Would make it easier to jump in. 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
@mesch ya I had a long talk with Aric. He is an awesome guy. What I don't know is if ML2 will be competitive or better than stuff like a used VAC Ren V or ARC Ref 5.