
Responses from smeyers

A musical subwoofer
Where upstate NY are you? I'm in the New Paltz area. 
Looking forImpressions of Zu Mini-Method Subwoofer
Sherman,Your posts were great timing! I just received a pair of mini-methods (to use along with the Zu Tone's) a week or so ago, and am in the evaluation phase. After some initial tweaking, I do planning on keeping them. I'll post my impressions i... 
Contrast/compare 50W tube amps
Have you considered the AES Sixpac amps? They are made by Cary, are very nice, and IMO are a bargain. For a few dollars more you can have Cary upgrade the speaker binding posts, add a balanced input, and install upgraded caps. You can change the K... 
Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
"One has to have a background in sound processing, or have a good tutorial to properly take advantage of theBehringer, IMO."The longer you have it and the more you use it, you will eventually become very comfortable with what it offers. I was also... 
Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
"While I appreciate the EQ features of the DEQ2496, thus far the DAC sounds mechanical, sterile, and unmusical in my opinion."I also think the DACS are not very good in the unit. IMO the unit is very transparent if kept in the digital domain and o... 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
Ingenious!! Now I just need to get someone to do this for me! 
Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
You can reduce the gain in the Utility Menu using the Gain Offset parameter. I have mine set to -2db. When I spoke to the Beheringer folks about the high input levels, they mentioned that it's Ok if the level goes slightly into the red zone as lon... 
Anyone Hear a Sophia Electric 300b
I'm running Sophia's 300B 2.5v Princess tubes in the Wright Mono 10 amps. Ah, bliss! 
Zu on Zu
>>Please reread -- SLOWLY<<Macrojack,As a 3rd party observer, I have to say that this way of speaking to someone; anyone; is insulting and just makes you lose credibility. In case the statement was unintentional, it implies that the pe... 
Zu on Zu
I AM a Zu owner and agree completely with Onhwy61 and Tvad. I think the arrogant and demeaning way in which several of the Zu 'cheerleaders' here present their arguments is actually a great disservice to Zu. If I were not already a Zu owner, I wou... 
Zu on Zu
>>Smeyers, did you ever solve your tonal problems with the Zu Tones?<<Yes, with a lot of help from digital EQ and a pair of fast Subs. 
Zu on Zu
>>The Soundstage response graph on Druids is inaccurate, bogus really. The speaker's sound bears no resemblance to that curve, unless you hang Druids a few feet off the floor, of course.<<I disagree 100%. I've done my own measurements ... 
Soliloquy 6.2i vs VS vr4jr , Zu Druid & Usher 6371
"I am not a Druid fan after hearing them so much, but the Definition is a whole other world."Interesting because I think the Tone model (with some digital eq tweaking) is one of the best speakers I've ever heard regardless of cost. 
Wright WPA 3.5's What's Next?
Instead of replacing the amps, consider trying a different output tube. I have Wright Mono 10 amps, which are Push-Pull 2A3 amps, and am really enjoying them especially after switching to Sophia Electric Princess 300B 2.5v tubes.http://www.sophiae... 
Review: Behringer DEQ2496 Equalizer
Yikes... $1,200! That's a ton of cash considering the cost of the unit. Do the mods only effect the analog portion, or the digital as well? Do they have a website?