
Responses from slingshot

Opinions on deHavilland Mercury 2
Sheffb, It is nice to hear you still like it. I have one on order. Someone else here had it and sent it back. Said it sounded lifeless and dull. 
Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles
I am thinking of purchasing these and wanted to know your thoughts after you have had additional time to listen to it. I notice there are a lot of UltraVerves for sale at low prices which concerns me given the good reviews it received. 
Rebecca Pidgeon, The Raven. Bought this a few years ago and listened to it once. It was recorded in 1994 and was transferred to SACD hybrid by Chesky a few years ago. When I purchased my SACD player about six weeks ago, I listened to it as it was ... 
CAL Audio CL-15 or CL-2500 for redbook playback??
I would recommend the CAL-2500. Read the Stereophile review and the Widescreen review. It uses a heavy duty transport and the electronics are heavily regulated and isolated. I bought it to just to drive my Reimyo DAP-777, because it has a balanced... 
Any superb balanced dacs up to $2,500 used??
Reimyo Harmonix DAP-777 
Looking for an outstanding DAC
George: I think the quality of the DAC is much more important then the quality of the transport part of a cd player. So if you buy the used DAC you are getting most of the quality of the Reimyo CD player at a fraction of the price. I also purchase... 
Looking for an outstanding DAC
George, there is a used one for $2,300 on Audigon. Can't beat it for the price. I just bought a used one from overseas for $2,250. I will be posting a review shortly on it. 
Poor man's reference DAC
RX8man: Yes, I also read that review. Unfortunately I don't have $14,000 to spend on a CD player! I paid $2,250 for the DAC and $850 for the CAL 2500 which was brand new. I figured the DAC is the more important half of the equation. They may come ... 
Poor man's reference DAC
I just purchased a used Reimyo Harmonix DAP-777 from overseas based upon the review in 6moons. 6moons which reviews the creme de la creme equipment rated it pretty much the equivalent of the Zanden. I have only had it a week. I also just purchased... 
Best transport for redbook and HDCD?
Just purchased a CAL 2500 DVD player brand new for $850 to use as transport for Reimyo DAP-777. The main reason I purchased it was due to the excellent reviews as a transport from Wide Screen Review, and SGTH, the fact that it has a balanced digit... 
Times Must Be Good
Emailed a seller on Audiogon with a question on his cd transport. No response. Times Are Still Good. 
Times Must Be Good
Its nice to hear there are other companies providing good service. None of the those listed above were called. They may have been at the show but I sent emails to all of them. A couple of them I may call as I am still interested in pursuing it. Ho... 
Eric Clapton covers Robert Johnson
Crazyforblues4- Haven't adjusted it. I had a dealer install the cartridge and have never adjusted anything. What's upsetting is that this received a fabulous review online somewhere so I was expecting a sonic treat. His DVD Unplugged is one of my ... 
SACD my thoughts at this time.....................
TBG: Your are probably right. Just installed BPT 3.5 last night and will be writing a review after I listen too it some more. Also looking for better cables. Should probably buy a better cartridge instead of SACD. 
SACD my thoughts at this time.....................
I debating whether to upgrade my Muse Model 9 to Model 11 with SACD and DVD-A for $1,900. Given what I saw at Best Buy last week for software there didn't seem to be much that interested me. However we are still at the beginning of these new forma...