

Responses from slimpikins5

Replacement capacitors exploding
Bryston Amps and electronics as well as Axiom Audio both use Clarity Caps as does Whest Audio in London.  These three very high end producers of sound equipment using these caps says a lot to me and I'd be looking at Clarity Capacitors out of Engl... 
Is D for Dry? Class D...
I was reading a readers comment thread on an article about the Covid virus origins in China.  One reader was mouthing off about how we need to go to war against China for allowing the virus out of their labs.   Well first of all, we don't know exa... 
Gold Note PH10, Bryston BP2, Clear Audio Smart V2
Plumpton Vinyl, It has been a couple of years since I worked on this thread/issue, but in a nutshell to explain where I ended up in all of this: I went Whest young man I went Whest.After an extensive amount of time using the Clear Audio Smart, a P... 
Class D for a Tube Lover
I have one Class A amp and have had two variations of Class D amps.  The Class A amp is significantly smoother than the Ice Powered Class D amp, but the Class D amp with Ice power modules blows it out of the water in terms of raw dynamic power, bu... 
Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?
For main floor standing speakers, the SVS Ultra Tower, it sounded just OK, but could not handle any real power without distortion.   For subs, the worst of the lot were any of the SVS subs I tried; mud, pure mud.   The next worst sub was a Paradym... 
SVS vs REL and experiences with both: your comments and preferences...
I have had a number of SVS subs in the past...  I started with the Ultra16, their flagship sub at the time, it died within a few hours of use on the day it arrived.  The amp went.  It was replaced with another one, it died within a week, the speak... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
Ah, but there is where you are wrong, the good ones do not have switching power supplies, that was precisely my entire point.   And the operational state of a solid state device is not a computer bit.  But that's OK, I really like the Class D and ... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
Tuberculin,This might be a better read to explain Class D vs. Class A or A/bhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class-D_amplifierYou can read how Class D is not a ’digital’ amplifier. It’s simply a full on or full off output device vs. a full on all the... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
Tubeculin,  I don't know what you consider 5% breadwinner prices for gear is, perhaps a Bryston 28B3 pair of monos?   $30K...?   But if $7K is in your budget, you should play with a pair of the Anthem M1 monoblocks.    I think that is the bargain ... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
Well I don't think that you can compare modulation states as bits 1 and 0.  They are not computer code.  So I don't see the comparison.  Its just a difference in when the solid state device is firing or operational as in using current and making h... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
Getting back to Northman and his original quest for information;  I still think that you should get yourself the Axiom EP500V4 subs at $1500 each in real wood veneer and with the new variable phasing.  A pair of these I believe will outperform mos... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
Just as an opposing point of view, I'd like to say that I have done a fair amount of comparison evaluation of Class A/Ab and Class D amps.The switching power supplies are another story all together as I feel they don't cut it with powerful subwoof... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
Tuberculin, Class D is not a digital amp. Class D is just one of the next levels of amp design nomenclature. They have Class A, Class B, Class A/b, Class D so on. People always seem to think that Class D means digital, it is not. In fact where Cla... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
Just an observation to report in with. I had an early version V4 sub from Axiom which had the switch type phase control. It only offers two or so options for phase alignment. Axiom redesigned it into a fully variable full range phase control in la... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
That a boy Northman.... Burlington. My old stomping grounds when I was ski racing on the US pro tour. I was down in town by Sugarbush in Warren and had a place at Stratton. Green mountain had their first shop and roasting facility in the town park...