
Responses from slappy

Physical explanation of amp's break in?
Holy crap! this sounds like a threat i would be involved in. laugh.anyways, Hey Sean, Thanks for the great info, its completly one of those "Gee Duh" type things, simple to understand and why diddnt i think of that? hell, i wish i thought of the p... 
Nick Cave - Nocturama
Wow...Im rather suprised to see that people on the 'gon listen to Einsturzende Neubauten....Some of the stranger end of industrial.anybody listen to the likes of The Legendary Pink Dots or Teargarden? 
New Guy asking for help
But didja understand That? 
Best way to combine Sub and floor speakers?
the best way to combine them is with elmers glue.i know, i know, im not helping. I'm just suprised with all who picked C, i would have assumed A.i figured that putting a subwoofer in the path of the speakers would be a bad idea. I would h... 
best ribbon tweeter in small size
try to find a Heil Tweeter. kinda like a ribbon, but instead of moving back and forth it goes side to side. wierd eh?got some on my speakers, incredibly detailed.In fact, they is the ONLY redeeming quality of my speakers.I would tell you the brand... 
New Guy asking for help
stop worring about it so much, there is no high end system in the world that compares to the Bose Wave Radio. I saw it on TV so its GOTTA be true right?This is too tinny, That is too mushy, and the other has no imaging, mixing this and that is a b... 
Custom speaker grilles - wife acceptability factor
Blindfold your wife.hehehhe 
Wife is remodeling - spkr cable recommendation pls
just a suggestion...before paying major bucks for speaker cable for surrounds, you might want to just try going cheapo with monster wire (50ft $39.95) for the effect channels. the sound might suprise you, sometimes its easy to forget that somethin... 
My wife is so uncool!
In order to get into this house me and my fiancee are looking to buy, i had the sell the HT rig i had been playing around with for the past 7 years. The rig was mine before we met, she knows how much i liked playing with it, so to give it up in or... 
The Shortest Time you kept a new piece for ??
I had a Denon 3803 i was going to use for my HT, bought it about a month ago, returned it about a week and a half ago.its not that it sounded bad, its just a fincancial emergency came up, and its easy to return things to large retail stores. i'll ... 
KEF Reference 4
No, they are not compatible. :) 
Decent SACD?
check out the Denon 2900 universal player. ive heard some good stuff about that. it also lets you do DVD-a if you so choose. 
Nick Cave - Nocturama
Murder balleds is one of my fav CD's. O'Malleys bar sounds great on a good system. which i no longer have. heheh...with an ashtray as big as a really ****** big brick... 
Anyone heard the Def Tech Supercube subwoofers?
I did not have a very pro-longed exposure to them, there is a chain of stores called SOUNDTRACK AUDIO and they have these in thier theater rooms for demo purposes, this same music chain is also called Ultimate Electronics and Audio King (i believe... 
Slappys Sob Story. So long folks
Sorry Kub, seems like crazyness follows me no matter what i do! =)im already back in the game thanks to a very generous fellow Techfile! i put a new thread explaining. hard to stay away from this place, its like "Learning Crack" i learn something ...