
Responses from slappy

weak link/improvement to my system: advice
I guess when it comes to "upgrading" these uber-expencive rigs, Brainwater is definatly the guy to ask. 
weak link/improvement to my system: advice
Dude im not so sure you have a "Weak Link"Seems pretty solid. Have you tried any different power cords or are you runnin stock?Other than cable upgrades, yer looking at a pretty significant amount of cast to upgrade anything. How about this, rathe... 
New Damper material
This is the wierdest forum thread i have ever read. The possibilitys for me to have fun with this one are limitless. I think i better use some restraint. 
Denon AVR 3803 vs. Yamaha RXV 1400
I'd go with the Denon. I think thier recievers sound a little more commanding and authoritive than the yamahas. 
Newbie inq. about Toslink
That is the fiber optic output.dont waste your time with that. It has extra signal conversions that you really dont need. Plus the fiber cable you can buy for this stuff is all pretty crappy. i used to splice fiber for telecommunications networks ... 
Do you have a dedicated listening room?
I have a dedicated listening room which i dont use yet.Nrchy, you know what happened.I recently decided to buy the house im renting, we dont spend much time in the basement, and it is of a moderate size. So where the bitchin HT i sold was set is w... 
Stringing up cables for surrounds
Yeah, im gonna have to remember that Groovin-Drywall suggestion myself, i thought that was pretty slick. Great if you are gonna be painting a finished basement and want to get some wiring done. 
Low-Fi Experience
I hear you there tireguy.I have an older brother that im going to convert to the evil ways of audiophilia as well. Im somewhat suprised he never got into this hobby, he is big on vinyl, and lives for music. I gave him a set of Boston Accoustics Br... 
Why Kinergetics SW-200 clipping?
Definatly plug it into the wall. You might be able to get aay with plugging a dvd plyer or cd player in those outlets on the back of your reciever, but those subwoofers need alot of juice.If the fuses are blwoing its telling you yer getting too mu... 
What causes clipping?
You might have blown the drivers. 150W to a subwoofer should not overload it. Maybe your sub drivers are actually 2-4 ohm loads, and it is affecting the amp. Do the amplifiers get real hot?If it doesent seem loud, and the amplifier is not cooking,... 
Low-Fi Experience
True True.When i first started on this board, i was all about the HT. Never thought too much about 2 channel. I liked good quality of sound, but i was also all about the latest and greates techno-features.I'd love to have a really great HT again, ... 
Stringing up cables for surrounds
Hmm.. sounds like a heck of a place you got there, but i think i got it figured out.Well, here is another option, i dont know if this would work for you, but i assume you have some sort of a couch at the viewing position, you could always purchase... 
How much does your system retail for?
Im ultra sneaky.hehehe 
Green Mountain Audio still in business?
Seems like roy is working his butt off. So is demand outscaling the availability of product?i hear so many fantastic things about the GMA eurpoa's, here in a month or so i was hoping to buy some. GMA is only about an hour's drive from where im at,... 
System warmup?
Vallyplastic, I would have thought so too. But just like my dogs and thier crap, its like jesus and his basket of fish.heheheh