

Responses from skypunk

Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
Slamming Watusi.https://youtu.be/BGhJlENsLQE 
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
10,000 Homo DJ’s Supernaut.  
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
Dead Kennedy’s To Drunk To _uck 
The guru on fuses:
@theaudiotweak.D@theaudiotweak.Dude you never posted a link unless it was the one deleted in the 1st page or string.Dude chill. 
Best cost no object tube phono
@tablejockey I have the Icon PS2 MM Pre in my system and it is fantastic.Have Thorens TD145 with a MP200 cartridge.Great combination. 
My list of tweaks and the verdict
Love the naysayers when they have never even gave it a shot.Kinda like all those people who told Columbus he would sail off the edge of the earth. Or the ones that told Chuck Yeager his controls would reverse and he would die when he hit Mach 1.Ta... 
Golden Ear award for $55 speaker tweak
My Raven CeLest rowers come with a a high frequency wave guide.Sound is awesome from these speakers. Just wonderful. 
Upgrading phono stage
Buy the MP200 and get the Icon PS2 phono stage.Done. 
Why so many angry audiophiles?
@chrisoshea sounds like both the political parties here in the US. 
Something amazing - what would you buy
+1 for Audio Concepts in Dallas. I am not a HT guy I go cheap on HT gear, I would rather read a book or listen to my 2 Channel system.Purchased all my Sonus faber and Simaudio gear from Audio Concepts. 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
The reactions here are hysterical. 
Why is there so much separation between the professional audio and audiophile worlds?
Digital just sucks in my honest opinion. Compression, suppression all you end up with is soulless sound. 
Why is there so much separation between the professional audio and audiophile worlds?
noted that audiophiles are often proud of how much their systems cost; pro audio people, in contrast, are likely to brag about how cheaply they got their gear. There is overlap: mastering engineers with six-figure monitoring systems; audiophiles w... 
Is Luxman a poor man's D'Agostino ?
Never was impressed with Luxman.Auditioned them here in Dallas and ended passing on Luxman and McIntosh for Moon by Simaudio only cause I could not afford Boulder at the time.To each there own. Years later went Tubular man. 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
Less government the better.I have never purchased any piece of equipment or a machine based on a spec sheet.