
Responses from skreich

Where to get protective cups for under spikes? 
dissapointing audiophile recording
Ana Caram, Rio After Dark on Chesky CD. Great sound, but she couldn't carry a tune with a wheelbarrow. Taught me finally to buy music I like and do the best I can with my system to make it sound good. Buying music because of the sound qualities ha... 
Does Verity Parsifals mate well with solid?
I also bought my Parsifals on the used market, and didn't get to try them at home first (although I had listened to Fidelios I'd borrowed for a weekend). When I first got them, I was running a Krell KSA-300 I used to drive Thiel CS7s. They sounded... 
Verity Speaker Parsifal Encore
It's me again. According to their website, Passion Audio in Encinitas carries Verity Audio speakers..... 
Verity Speaker Parsifal Encore
I replaced my Thiel CS-7s with Parsifal Encores, and have been very pleased with them. They don't dominate my room the way the Thiels did, they're not as hard to drive, and they are NEVER fatiguing to listen to. I'll admit that the Thiels may have...