

Responses from simonmoon

Are there any current high end dipole speakers (dynamic)?
Pure Audio Project.http://www.pureaudioproject.com/ This was my immediate thoughts.Really fantastic speakers, and upgradable. Talk about a disappearing act... Trio15TB - $4000.00 Trio15 HeilAMT - $5000.00 
First order/Time Phase-Coherent speakers discussions
It’s like saying humans come from chimps since they share 90% genetic content with us, but we can’t find any missing links or evidence. Not to derail the thread, but I just can't let an ignorant comment like this go by without comment. We did ... 
Moving speakers from downstairs to upstairs, degrading ?
I have to agree with the majority, suspended floors sound worse than concrete slabs. I can speak from experience. Bass will sound flabby compared to slabs. Decoupling the speakers from the floor is your best bet. 
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?
I’m also very late to the thread, but I will still make a recommendation.The Teac TN-400. These are completely unrelated to the modern Teac TT’s with the same model number. This was a table designed to compete with the Technics SP-10 and was sold ... 
High value, giant killer speakers?
As others have already said, Tekton.I have heard several, and they outperform speakers at much higher prices. Also, Maggies. But they have more limitations in set up, and driving them.Their top of the line, 30.7 at 30K (hardly cheap) still outperf... 
Powered sub-woofer best for $300 in Us
That’s going to be pretty tough to do, with decent quality, for $300, unless you DIY.Parts Express may be your answer. They sell subwoofer kits, with very high quality woofers, and CNC "flat pack" enclosures. No real wood working skills needed, ju... 
Which Stands for Magnepan LRS (and other models): Mye, Magnariser, Sound Anchor, etc
I DIY’d my own, based on this design:http://www.integracoustics.com/MUG/MUG/tweaks/green_lantern/ Quite simple, about $60, and work better than the much more expensive commercially available products.And yes, they do improve the sound, 
What does the term "Speed" mean in a speaker?
Speed refers to transient response. The ability to follow musical transients (percussion, strings plucking, etc) closely. Both the attack and decay are important. Speakers with lighter, stiffer cone materials, and strong magnet structures are usua... 
How can Wilson Audio speakers sound that good if they are using OEM drivers?
It’s the cabinet.  They use excellent drivers but the cabinet makes a massive difference.  By having such a well damped cabinet, they deliver an amazing sound.  The molds for those cabinets are pricey which is why Wilson’s are soo expensive.   ... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
In fact there’s no clear evidence that even the original cone material (paper) has ever truly been improved upon.I believe, it is pretty demonstrable, that other materials other than paper, are: lower in resonance, lighter (improving transient re... 
Maggie owners (past, present, future) what do (did) you love and or dislike about them?
I have owned 3 different sets of Maggies over the years.Currently, I have a pair of MGIII. I bought them from a seller who had them in storage for a couple of decades, for $300.I had to do some work to them, i.e. relaminate the coils in a few plac... 
Buying Speakers Based on Specs
It may be a good idea to shop based on specs in your case, since you are looking at one specific spec in particular.But that does not mean you should buy them based only on specs.You could end up with a speaker that meets your criteria for that on... 
High value, giant killer speakers?
I very recently heard the AudioSolutions Figuro M speakers. From Italy.Not exactly cheap at $7500, but they sounded like they could compete with speakers at double the money.Not to mention their finish looked like speakers costing a lot more. 
To Couple or Decouple?
I used to live in a house with a suspended wooden floor.My speakers sounded much better DECOUPLED.Coupled, the bass was muddy and boomy.Now I live on a solid slab, and they sound much better coupled.  
How thick should the front baffle of speakers be?
I've heard the Concerto 4 speakers at an audio show!They are extremely good, for sure. When I heard them, knowing what I do about speaker cabinets, I made notice of their cabinet construction, and how that contributed to their sound quality. The r...