

Responses from simonmoon

Best progressive rock album side
@kacomess  I’m not sure how "progressive rock" is defined. So, I am going to be 'that guy', and bring up the "what is prog" discussion. For me, prog, is not a style of music (it's barely a genre), in the same way country, blues, punk, etc are... 
Best progressive rock album side
@clearthinker It’s my privilege not to enjoy much of this which is pretentious twaddle. By the way Dr Sardonicus is not prog rock and I do like it. Well, that’s great, since the vast majority of prog is not pretentious, nor is it twaddle. S... 
Great Rock Bassists your Top 10.Rock not Jazz. But Hey what about Reggae
The problem is, all my favorite bass players in rock, are in prog and its various subgenres, and a great many of them, are also jazz-fusion players. Or at least, have the chops to play at that level. But I will list them anyway. I will start wit... 
Best progressive rock album side
This is mostly pretentious crap by second rate musicians.  I didn't even like most of it when I was young. This thread should be changed to 'which are the most over-rated prog rock discs'. Let me start.  #1  All of Genesis   #2 Most of Yes     ... 
Best progressive rock album side
WAY too many great ones, among many subgenres to decide on just a few. So, I will break it down by subgenre. Also, let me state from the get go, that I am always saddened to see lists like these on various forums, with the complete lack of Itali... 
Let’s share the music that gives us the chills every time.
Way too many to list! Mahavishnu Orchestra - Eternity's Breath (part 1 &2) The melody, the terrifying level of musicianship, the complexity... Eternity's Breath Genesis - The Lamia Steve Hackett's guitar solo gets me every time, but the e... 
You know you have audiophile system when...
@natman  I auditioned it for my wife. She listened and said "It sounds like they’re in the room with us." Now inside my head I was doing my happy dance, because that’s exactly what I was going for. Then she said "It’s creepy. I don’t like it."  ... 
Most Realistic Recordings
@tisimst   It’s also interesting that you explicitly call out Deutsche Gramophone because it came up in another thread about a real sounding piano as a good example. I appreciate both perspectives.   Maybe they were referring to tone, timbr... 
Most Realistic Recordings
@edcyn Yeah, I have a piano and play it practically every day, but I still can’t give you a definitive answer as to what recording best approaches the sound I hear "live." The major problem is that my piano sits in its own special, but quite sm... 
Best music in 2022
Green Asphalt - Swedish band with more than a nod to prog legends, Gentle Giant. Complex, thoughtful melodies, layered vocals. Yang - Designed for Disaster - French band, with prog guitar great,  Frédéric L'Épée, with their modern take on heavy p... 
Favorite religious song
I am not religious at all.  Although I am not averse to religious music, per se, the only sort of religious music I can listen to, for purely musical reasons, are Indian devotionals, called Bhajan.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bttszaG-fZU  
You know you have audiophile system when...
I hate the tag Audiophile. Who coined the phrase? It’s all about musical entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. @bobpyle  The term was coined in 1951, and I think it is a perfectly fine term. Sure it is all about the music first. But tha... 
You know you have audiophile system when...
A music lover uses audio equipment to listen to his recordings. An audiophile uses recordings to listen to his audio equipment! @whitefishpoint1175  This is a quote from Allan Parsons, and he was wrong when he originally said it, and the quote... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Let me add, that there are very many modern, contemporary, atonal, and avant-garde classical pieces that I consider near perfect, but on recording, they are often paired up with music that I do not. I consider quite a few pieces by: Elliott Carte... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
I am not sure I consider any record perfect. But there are certainly many that I consider vanishingly close to perfect. How am I supposed to know if some incredibly great recording, could have been even better? Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down on Br...