
Responses from shsohis

How does this compare to the RMAF? 
Tube kit for Nagra PL-L?
Jfreck - I've tried and permutated with most of the acclaimed tubes out there and yes you win some but lose some.... After one big big cycle, I landed back to the stock tubes.... Quite a joke right? 
Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?
When I setup the Hyperspace, I simply did so with the mat but I'll like to hear without the use of a mat. Problem is both my digital and Shure gauges are higher than a typical record so that makes fine adjustment of loading force almost impossible... 
Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?
Owner of Hyperspace and Spacedeck (with heavy platter) here. I love these guys and that's why I have both of them. You can't go wrong with them.I'm using a Living Voice Mystic Mat on the Hyperspace but I wonder if that is really necessary since th... 
Nagra VPS or Tron Seven Ref phono stages?
The Nagra VFS... is pretty expensive as a anti-vibration platform. What impacts did you get with this? Hopefully not a cleaner, sterile, thinner sound.... 
Missing Stereophile Issues???
This of course will appeal to those who have been waiting for months to get theirs and got brushed again. Of course I cancelled mine and so did my friend. 
Missing Stereophile Issues???
Stereophile offers no explanation unfortunately. 
Missing Stereophile Issues???
If you have no issue with the subscription then why cancel in the first place? Of course, if you are in our position and love to be tested for patience, keep on waiting then. This is no way to treat your customers. 
Ray Samuels F117 Nighthawk vs. PS Audio GCPH
The 6moons review of the Nighthawk seems over the moon. It is very much like what MF suggested - just right for the price. Of course I compared the Nighthawk with a pricier EAR 324 and the clear winner is known in like 5 secs while playing the sam... 
Used Magico V3 or Rockport Mira 2
The fact that the experiences with Magico vary so much under different conditions and setups simply show how good this speaker is. 
Pre-amp suggestions for Thiel 2.4/Pass Labs XA30.5
There is no way your Pass can drive the Thiel. Suggest you remedy this first. 
Einstein TTC phono - Making Loading Plugs Help
This is strange - Marpe is right. With the 100 ohm, the soundstage collapses and everything else becomes bloated and much less airy than with the 150 ohm. Cannot understand.... 
Einstein TTC phono - Making Loading Plugs Help
Incredible! I'm off to get the resistor....! Thanks everyone....! 
Kimber KS-1130 or KS-1126
Looks like I might just get the KS1126 but really my concern will be a forward in your face kind of presentation. I read from this forum that the extra conductors on the new Select line is more preferred for a pre/power connection. At this stage, ... 
Stand out phono stages
As good as the EAR 324 is, the Einstein Turntable's Choice beats it. It is close to hearing "nothing" from the phono. But you need to leave the Einstein warmed up for a couple of days at least to get its full potential.