
Discussions sherod has started

The passing of another legend...747715
NYAL booklet- Any value465923
Need opinions on all-in-one or separate dac.28764
Please help I have a strange grounding problem389412
Drawbacks from selling overseas ?32177
Here's a "must have" for you female vocalists fans568022
Who has tried Orbeck Stratti ?25262
Whatever happened to Super A circuitry ?30717
Anyone getting into the Christmas spirit ?26255
To biwire or not to biwire...?588914
New Meadowlark Ospreys587814
Anyone auditioned new Analysis Plus Oval 8 cables32174
Anyone ever heard of this speaker manufacturer ?25042
Best hook-up of cdp and T.V. to receiver ?15762
What is the best receiver Marantz put out?148679