
Responses from shawnharvey

Speaker Suggestions
What don't you like about the speaker setup you have now? 
Bi-Amp Cables/Vandersteen 3A Signatures
You might look at Analysis Plus cables: 
Plinius 8150?
I have the Plinius SA-100 power amp and am *very* pleased with it. Class A/B mode is very close to full Class A in sound quality, so I would suspect the 8150 is a great buy. 
3 phase electricity
If I remember correctly, all 4KV lines are 3-phase. This should not cause any problems for you. Much greater culprits are any motorized things in your home, dimmers and your cable connection. All of these can cause nasty noise on the line and/or g... 
Sony S7000 used as CD player
I have an S7000 running into a DC-1 and the CD playback sound, while not being top-level, is very good. One thing that *REALLY* made a difference was getting a very good digital cable (I chose the Illumination D-60). I've not tried using a dedicat... 
looking for help on infinity drivers
Write an email to Infinity with your exact model and year and the drivers you need. It will take them a while to respond but they will write back with a list of drivers and prices and you can order from them direct. Note that while they are not *h... 
Bi-amping solid state & tubes?
Can't tell you what your response would be with this setup but if you have both amps then trying it out is a breeze. Just get a couple of splitters and run one set of each side to each amp. Use the R/L of the KSA for bass, the R/L of the BAT for t... 
CD Upgrade
Used is good if you stay with nice equipment and within a year or two old. The Mimik is a very nice cd player but I wouldn't put it up there with some of the other models at that price point (I had it in a mostly Linn system at the time). I'd look... 
Next Upgrade for all Linn System
For a CD I'd buy a used Numerik/Karik combo. Since the new CD's have come out their prices have fallen considerabley (meaning you can get a *great* deal). I really liked the sound of the N/K combo too -- class "A". Their tuner (forgot the name, wh... 
Amps for Totem Model 1
What's your spending limit and how sensitive are your speakes? 
Which way should I go?
Have you tried a de-jitter box? Nothing sounds wrong with your equipment. Also, what cables are you using? What about room acoustics? Bare floors? You might be the unwitting victim of jitter -- try getting something like a Meridian 518 and see if ... 
Classé SSP10 - Lexicon DC1
I have the Lexicon DC-1 and it really kicks butt on movies. It's pretty good on 2-channel, though probably not up to the level of Classe. Depends on what you want from your system. After leaning towards HT I'm now leaning back to audio, so now I h... 
Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
I have never been crazy about the Martin Logan speakers with any equipment I've heard them with. Loved the Maggies, both large and small, with almost all the equipment they've been paired with. I still like pistonic drivers for pop/rock, though. J... 
Willl you spend over $5000.00 for speakers?
I'm up to $2,300. Upgrading to about $3,300 next year. Probably hit 5 g's the year after that. Not sure what will happen after that, but you see the trend. :)