
Responses from shashanka

Sophia Electric is not honest
A whole lot of xenophobia in this thread mixed with a fair amount of racism. The complaint about a broken tube made me laugh though. People do know tubes are made of glass? Never pull a tube from the glass envelope. Grab the base. Sophia Electric ... 
A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers.
"What do you all cut meat with??Do you want to buy safe knifes?"I don't buy stereo gear to cut meat."My KRS200s with dozens of blade-like fins all around are potentially lethal, plus they weigh 200lb each."So you agree with me that there is a prob... 
A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers.
Russ69Can I put gloves on my shins? Seriously if you pick those up the fins are going to face something soft, add that to the 50 pounds or more that you are wrangling. 
A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers.
Yeah it's me. 
A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers.
Even my current custom SET amp has sharp fins. 
A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers.
It's almost enough to make me stop buying amps. 
A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers.
Now check this one out. The fins are enclosed. Never got injured and moved it many times. 
A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers. 
A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers.
I tried to make a humorous post but seriously my gear slashed me again today and just 2 weeks ago the same.. I have a few well designed amps, the PS Audio HCA 2 has everything inside and the Aragon amps come to mind for good safe design. My curren... 
What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One?
These kind of questions are sadly just going to do no service to the person who is asking. I am sure you are asking in pure hearted curiosity. Unfortunately you are wading into a battlefield occupied by several armies. There are certainly many CD ... 
Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid?
Hearing the really top end stuff in my experience only allows you to better judge what you consider to be great sound.  The more varied your experience the greater the depth of knowledge you can draw upon.  Some very expensive gear I’ve heard was ... 
Interconnects and non-believers
I have to laugh when people defend their position by suggesting that people are deluding themselves or scientifically can’t have the ability to hear the difference between cables. As if science has already explored and explained everything. 
A Tribute to the Sequerra MET 7
I have the full set Met 7 Mk2, Met 8, Met 9 Mk2, Met 10/8 and think they are great too. I have heard a lot of the real kilobuck systems at shows and still think the Sequerras hold their own. Need some room for them to shine. I am considering movin... 
Solid State Amp repair in NYC area?
B&K EX442 heavily modded by Larry Smith of Perfectionist Audio Components and a Sound Values Mosfet 32. 
Solid State Amp repair in NYC area?
Been there, done that.