
Responses from sharpe49

Best one box 16-bit cd player
Sony XA7 ES was the best single box cd player I auditioned. Now out of production,they can be purchesed second hand for $1100-1250. 
Surrounds - Bipole, Dipole, or Direct
I have experimented for the last year with direct radiating and dipole/bipole. For Dolby digital I prefer direct radiating and so have my guests. There is no absolute here,unlike the front three channels I believe you have a lot more latitude with... 
Parasound vs. Mccormack, Bryston,Classe
agree with above comments,so let me add that for home theater,the Bryston 9B is awesome. I have toured the factory and listened to approximately 20 amplifiers in the past 18 months. All presented some compromises,but the Bryston provided the least... 
PSB speakers? Anyone have any opinions?
I have used PSB speakers for years. Paul Barton comes to speaker design from a"musicians" point of view and it is audible. His use of Canada's National Research Council's facilities has allowed him to develope his designs to a very high level of p... 
Cable suggestions for Sim Audio
Investigate STEALTH cables They are without a doubt some of the best products in their respective price range. Sergui will let you audition cross wrapped silver and cross wrapped copper and allow you time to determine what... 
Need help: Classe CA101 or 151?
Both of these amplifiers are designed around the same circuitry. I am very suspicious of any dealer that sells this way,and I would think long and hard about becoming a client. You haven't indicated what speakers you are going to mate an amp with,... 
Invisible Speakers
There are many chioces out there,but I would look at the following manufacturers: PSB,PARADIGM and Totem. They all produce excellent in wall designs. As in wall speakers are a compromise in sonic performance to utilize a clean look to an installat... 
Best Dipole surround for $800? Urgent!
Paradigm ADP surrounds are excellent. 
Building Home Theater
I have been doing "system building" for 20years. If you want to build slowly,start with the best centre cahannel you can afford. Then buy front L/R from same manufacturer,but an entry level. You can spend just 150-200 on rears from PSB,Paradigm. T... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
I agree with Tom,S.T.E.A.L.T.H. cables speaker and interconnects are absolutely a bargain. The silver out performs Kimber KCAG by a wide margain. Background is quieter detail is greater and top end is smooth airy . I have compared these products w... 
Does silver speaker wire sound bright?
Again I agree with the first comment. Silver wire can be bright and hard initially but if you can let it mellow it will "soften up" in time. I have waited close to two hundred hours for silver interconnects and speaker cable to fully mature. The w... 
What's longest i/c's can be run?
I fully agree with the above noted comment. Keep the speaker runs as short as possible and your interconnects can be as long as you want. My experience is quality cable is an important factor in letting your equipment reach it's potential. 
Best solid-state amp made anywhere
Wait till you hear Victor Sima's new design,Linar. He was the founder,original designer of Sim Audio amps including he much heralded W-5. The Linar is better in my opinion,but I don't know how readily available they are yet. 
The best sounding FM Tuner is.....
affordable? Creek tuners,and of course Magnum Dynalab. This company makes only tuners. The 108 is a benchmark,102 about 90% performance at 1/2 price ,Etude 85% of performance for 1/3 price of 108. 
best DVD/CD transport/player under $4000
Sony 7000 or Pioneer 09