

Responses from shadorne

How loud is too loud
Damaged tweeter(s)- as a minimum the ferrofluid probably dried up - possibly voice coil is now rubbing and only works at all at higher volume. 
Thoughts on the most difficult instruments for speakers to reproduce?
1) Without doubt a realistic live drum set. Percussion has such massive dynamics most speakers badly compress at realistic levels.2)Grand piano is tough too.3) Pipe Organ - especially the low notes. 
Tube Preamps.....
Try to figure out what you want - lean, warm or lush?+1 CJ is very good value not so good on resale if it doesn’t work for you. Mcintosh is a great classic sounding choice with good resale but higher priced because highly desirable - warm but not ... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
Unless you get a quality tube preamp then there should be little difference from adding an SS preamp in the path. A quality tube preamp will not necessarily be transparent but good ones will give you a wonderful warm presentation. Keeping signal l... 
Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?
Mcintosh started in 1949. It is one of the most successful high end brands. It is the Rolex of high end audio - respected for aesthetics, functionality and reliability. Like Rolex - built like a tank and being highly desirable holds value better t... 
Your thoughts about ATC loudspeakers
@jon_5912 What at are you using as a source and preamp with the Active 110?A tube preamp will warm up ATC as they simply reproduce what is fed to them...very faithful to the source. 
Phono Preamps with "balls" ?
Denon DL-110  - nice FM sound.  
High End is Dead?
Don’t think it’s dead. I have simply found dealers are often unwilling to move on price. They are preapared to sit on gear for a year or more if necessary. I find individuals are much more reasonable and will move on price to get a sale done and m... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
@gdhal Even harmonic distortion is pleasing. It is higher order odd harmonics above 7th which are not pleasing and harsh sounding.It looks like the R-2R DAC has equal amounts of even and odd harmonic distortion. The 2nd harmonic being the most imp... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Here is a thesis paper explaining why R-2R DACs have lots of harmonic distortion.Looks like the distortion is consistent across all harmonics.https//pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9a52/fcba6dd87371974b3c146dbb5a3a00ffee74.pdf These students were sponsor... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Perhaps it is the harmonic distortion from an R-2R DAC that listeners like - kind of like tubes - measures poorly but sounds subjectively better...With two types of resistor perhaps the distortion is more in the even harmonics.All I can say is tha... 
Your thoughts about ATC loudspeakers
@keoliphantAt lower volumes Harbeth is a great choice even with SS. ATC are bone crunching dynamic at louder SPL with SS but at lower volumes (if that is mostly what you are after for an office) then I would advise a warm traditional style tube pr... 
Selling a Macintosh Amplier MC-352
Mcintosh probably have close to the best resale value of anything in used audio. Reliable and desirable. Kind of the Rolex of high end audio.  
Wilson Speakers & Reviewers
Wilson have great mid range and warm bass. They are beautifully finished. The last word in speakers perhaps not but like Mcintosh, Wilson are highly desirable for their sound and look. You often see Wilson or B&W paired with Mcintosh - highly ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
@audioengr +1 Yes it is the filtering that creates the dead effect. Still one of the most problematic issues with any DAC. Marantz house sound is dark and dead. I have heard plenty of great sounding SACD but Marantz is not to my taste. @georgehifi...