
Responses from sgreent210f

vandersteen 5a question
My 5A's are about 6 months old and they have the Sky connection. AQ Sky and their speaker cable is the best I've tried with my system, but the cheap Anti-Cables are right up there with them. 
Vandersteen 5A's pics finished in kewazinga??
I have Kewazinga's - if you're in NJ get back to me. SgreenT@Att.Net 
Pass 250.5 with Vandersteen 5A's
I have the 5A's - got them from Johm. He's a nice guy, but I think the big Audio Research or Ayre amps are better. I'm using the big Ayre and its very nice indeed. 
B&W N802, Theta CB3, DN2
I had the 802's and got rid of them in favor of Vandersteen. You must check Vandees out - they are very cost effective and make wonderful sound. I have the 5A's, but their less expensive Quatro is a killer. 
Attention Vandersteen 5A owners/ amp matches
I have an all Ayre top of the line electronics system with my Vandersteen 5A's (Kawazinga finish - beautiful). I am using Anti-cables balanced interconnects, and speaker cables (don't twist them - much better without the twist), and am very, very ... 
ANTI-CABLES by Paul Speltz: Anyone Using Them?
I am using Ayre K1xe preamp, C1xe Universal player, V1xe amp, and Vandersteen 5A speakers - Anti cable interconnects throughout, and speaker cables bi-wired. I originally braided the spk cables and they sounded great. I had them in the system for ... 
Aesthetix Calypso -vs- Ayre K-1Xe preamps?
I have an Ayre K1xe (used with a v1xe, and a c5xd into Vandersteen 5A's. The air is one great preamp. If you need more bloom place it on Ultam slab which will change the perspective a bit (put the instrument back a few rows in the orchestra, but s... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Vandersteen 5A's. Actually, the whole Vandersteen line gives you much more for your money than others, but the 5A's set up properly are real killers. Read the literature and you'll know why, but listen to them and you will understand 
Paul Speltz speaker cables
I have had almost everything immaginable as interconnects and speaker cable - including multi-thousand dollar silver stuff from a variety of manufacturers. My system is all top of the line Ayre Universal, preamp, and amp, and I bi-wire to Vanderst... 
Have any experience with Richard Gray power stuff?
I have used the Richard Gray stuff and it just added grain and closed in the system. I am using all Ayre equipment with Vandersteen 5A's. I think R/G has to be tried in your own system. It did not improve mine. Ayre is coming out with their own po... 
Kimber Cable Monocle XL Speaker Wire?
Actually, cable will sound different in each system you try it with, so the only way to tell what works for you is to try it in YOUR system. 
Help with cartridge selection
You really have to know what you are doing. A lot depends on your arm and your preamp stage. Some cartridges are too light and don't balance well in some arms, and more importantly some are too heavy. The counterweight should be as close to the pi... 
why felt?
I'm saying that there is a world of difference in the way mats sound. ..a sound quite different than that of VTA adjustment. I found that a very excellent mat is the very inexpensive non-felt mat. The difference is very dramatic between this and t... 
Which Solid State Amplifier is Making you Happy?
Ayre. The stuff sounds wonderful, is built like a tank, and the company is great to deal with. All their stuff is top notch, but their preamp the K1xE and their universal silver disc player are far and away the best. It's amazing how much music th... 
Breaking in a new amp
You don't want to crack your walls or get your neighbors angry with you. Just run stuff through it and it will get better over time. If you have a tuner, let it work while your not home. This will also keep the burglers away.