
Responses from sgordon1

Looking for more detail in a speaker
Clean your stylus.Clean your ears (Debrox or professionally).Clean all cable contacts.Invest in a Walker Talisman.Demagnetize cables and cords, get them off the floor.Use the Talisman on all music sources and electronics;you will hear the differen... 
Looking for more detail in a speaker
Suggestion: adjust YOU!Sit 5' to 8' from the speakers.Take the room out of it, to a greater extent.Then, try moving the speakers closer together,and possibly closer to the front wall.With the limited information about your room,I would pursue work... 
As much as I try, I just don't get it........
Great point, miller, in your last post.I was trying a new power cord, but wasn't sure where Iwanted to place it.  In the end, it "didn't cut it."But in the process, I switched the positions of thepc to the amp with the one to the cdp (different ma... 
As much as I try, I just don't get it........
Listen through good headphones.  A world of difference. 
You can Vote for Most Valuable Lead Vocals (Rock Groups)
Allan Clarke. 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
Great comment, bowenski.  The FOZ proves to be a remarkable piece, for those who can overcome their "purist"thinking and focus on great sound presentation.I wanted to make sure that I have a spare for the (factory)Tung-Sol tube.  After doing some ... 
Theta Miles CD player
llarry, do you have a spare laser?  See the link, above.The Miles is a great performer, especially with first ratecables and isolation.  Suggestion: Remove and freeze the batteries of the remote in a zip lock bag for 24 hours.Then transfer to the ... 
Question/Advice About Isolation Feet for Speakers
Try placing something on top of the speakers.Wood blocks (one pound, rosewood) can help tame vibrations.Experiment with fo.Q tape!Once the speaker is isolated form the floor, doesn't it stillvibrate when reproducing music? 
Tweaks you got rid of because they were not effective (enough)?
I think tweaks are like clothes.If you only add, without periodicallysorting out the "keepers," you will have a pile of stuff that either is neither useful norbeneficial.For me, it is mostly eliminating vibrationcontrol pieces.  Adding is the easy... 
Micro position adjustments
Has anyone experimented with adjusting the HEIGHT ofwhat is in between their speakers?  How does this changewhat you are hearing? 
Flare Audio
Thanks, dill.  I am in, at $53.  There are other posts, on this general subject.Withe the 30 degree curve of my Martin Logan panels,this should be fun. 
Who are your three favorite female singers?
Claire Lynch! 
Who are your three favorite female singers?
Rosa Passos has to be included in mine.The way she sings in Portuguese (foreign to me), I swear she issinging only for me.  Anyone else know her work? 
Micro position adjustments
Everything matters.  IF you can hear a difference, that is.When you can hear a difference, then it makes a difference.Do you notice a change in sound after vacuuming the carpet?Changing the humidity in the room?Adding/removing lighting devices?  H... 
How do you know what you're missing?
Here is the problem:An audiogon post is about a general topic,or a request for information, or even a direction.People respond with what is working for them,usually a favorite or new piece of gear.The responses are particular recommendations,usual...