

Responses from sfseay

Dynamic range - effect on different speaker cables - even very high quality ones
Upsampling doesn’t increase dynamic range.  This is what happens when the ignorant explain the sound of new cables. 
Aurender N100 internal hard drive or USB external drive?
That is strange.  I replaced the 1TB HDD in my Sony HAPZ1ES with a 2TB SSD and heard no difference in sound quality.   
@tonnesen - you can’t be serious, REALLY!?!  All you do is whine and complain.  Please try to participate vs. finding reasons to take offense. 
Streamers, servers, players - woefully overpriced??
Keep thinking Raspberry Pi is nirvana... it isn’t.  You get what you pay for with the Pi streamers.I have a nice used once Allo Digione Signature you can buy if anyone insists on being a pi-phile.   
KEF ls50 meta’s are on the way
@kenjit is a “master audiophile” (whatever that means) so he knows more than all of us.  Time to throw away my KEF LS50s and LS50Ws and only listen to the wisdom of the master! 
I've said this before so why can't your open your ears and except the truth?
Wow!  Nonsense with clarity!!! 
Bricasti DAC owners
I emailed Bricasti yesterday.  Their response was - "Hi Stephen, We are looking into it and it will take time to get it to them for the certification, so we are starting the process.  Joe" 
Roon Certification News, Share
I know of the NAD M10 first hand being Roon Ready - Uncertified and of course my M3 is in the same boat.   
Bricasti DAC owners
I had an issue with my M3 and Roon so that was the reason for the new firmware.  Roon made a change that caused some people issues with the M3. 
Bricasti DAC owners
They emailed me the firmware and I removed the microSD card, flashed the new firmware on it and reinstalled.  Very easy. 
Bricasti DAC owners
I have done the flash update. Only had to remove one side of the top cover.  Easy upgrade! 
DAC for Bricasti Design M5 Network Player
I owned the M5 and liked it so much I bought a used M3 DAC that had Ethernet streaming, and also purchased the MDX upgrade board too!.  Sold the M5 and got some money back in my pocket. 
Bryston BDP-π
I would stay away from the Auralic G1 too expensive and mediocre sound in my system and to my ears. . Yes, I owned one, bought it new and sold it and lost lots of money! 
Room Correction: Should I disconnect my REL Subwoofers before running room correction?
I would think you would leave them connected.  You want to measure the room with all the components you are using. 
Sam here and this goes much deeper than i ever thought.
I have confirmed that Our President is “Q”!  Everybody knew this all along.