

Responses from sfseay

2 way, which are the best designs?
My Focal Sopra 1’s are the best two way speakers I have heard in my system.  Still have them and probably always will. 
Keep noise creators outside your clean power zone
‘Miller’ time is so annoying... 
Free To A Good Home, McIntosh Power Meter
I would like to have it!  Can't figure out how to PM you though 
Streamer recommendation under $3000
Look at the Bricasti M5.  It is Roon Ready and is a dedicated renderer with AES/EBU, Coax, and USB outputs and Ethernet.  Very well built and good reviews. 
Vintage Yamaha A 500 Integrated Amp and Speakers
I need to find a rooter.  I can’t find a seller though 
Would you donate a dollar to have these Members Review a Product?
I would not 
Basic Tidal streamer to USB DAC
“airplay is never reliable and never supported by manufacturer warranty.”This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have read in months.  No basis in truth. 
Streamers and bit rot.
PS Audio, Aurender, and dCS come to mind 
Esoteric v DCS
@sciencecop - going down the cable/power rabbit hole to tame the sound of the Esoteric can be an expensive proposition and can do just as much harm as good. 
Is anyone using a external music server with the PS Audio Directstream Dac???
I used a few different Aurenders with the DS DAC.  Sounded great, great interface, but not really a difference sound wise from the bridge.  There are several alternatives to MConnect.  Go on the PS Audio forums and ask what people like as an alter... 
Bob Carver new tune expected
@clearthink is a troll.  Ignore his ignorance. 
Sonos Announcement today 1/21/2020
A money grab by Sonos.  I won’t buy another one of their products. 
Esoteric v DCS
I have owned an Esoteric DAC and now own the tried but true dCS Debussy DAC. I found in my system the Esoteric to be too bright and forward. The Debussy is warm and lush.dCS for me! 
I finally realized wires do matter a LOT.
Fascinating observation.  Any theories on UFOs?