
Responses from sfall

XLR/RCA dilemma
"Not sure I buy the speed issue with the sub.  My post doc work was in binaural processing.  Wavelengths at 100 Hz are long, and detection of phase is generally a complex issue and I haven't followed the psychoacoustic literature for decades.  ... 
Advice using electrostats with tube amp.
I'm guessing you have an issue with high frequencies. If that's correct, I think the ML's are a pretty good choice. Personally, I find the main reason I'm drawn to an esl speaker is that they don't have a tweeter. The highs are much more realistic... 
"Hi finally getting a turn table!"Do you have any experiance with TT's? I ask because some people can't take the ticks and pops because they only know digital. 
Advice using electrostats with tube amp.
"Sfall, the room is about 15X20' with 8.5' ceiling but my listening position is only about 13' from the speakers and i dont listen at high volumes. I agree withyou, then, that it should be fine but because the purchase is not a small one for me... 
XLR/RCA dilemma
"I've pretty much decided to follow Charles Hansen's recommendation to stay out of the Ayre balanced link.  I'll fully bung the LS50s, and use the Bryston 10B only to send 100 Hz and below to the subs."Sorry if you didn't understand my post, but... 
Advice using electrostats with tube amp.
As long as you don't have a really big room and listen at high volumes, you should be fine. More people probably use tubes over SS with ML. 
XLR/RCA dilemma
You didn't do anything wrong. You asked for opinions from the Ayre community and got responses from others as well. Ayre is designed so that best results are gotten from a system that is time and phase correct. Most people think that's an issue fo... 
XLR/RCA dilemma
"With 5-series Ayre components, the idea of running balanced from disc player through preamp to amp is appealing, but it doesn't provide for bass management."If you are looking to take extremely high quality, near state of the art gear, and turn... 
Power an amp and component with batteries instead of direct outlet power?
"It is common for guitarists and bassists to use batteries in their effect pedals because the pedals sound quieter and easier on the ear."That's not true. Batteries are used in guitar effect pedals because they don't require a lot of power and ma... 
Preamp with tone controls other then McIntosh C22
"I've been to a lot of audio shows and I never saw an equalizer incorporated in hifi system. Second, it's one more unit on a signal path."That shouldn't be a factor. You can run the EQ on a different input or through the tape loop. You can inser... 
Best Cable Line for Naim
"I think Chord cables work well with Naim and there is one dealer who advocates or used to advocate Nordost red dawn.  Although I don't think Naim gear should be running hot with Naim cables."Unless something has changed, Chord makes Naim's cables. 
Question about weak link
"I am no longer hearing very high frequencies, such as bells or chimes in my music, the way I did before my "upgrades."If you're just missing these frequencies there's something wrong. Even if you didn't do a great job matching your components, yo... 
Conrad johnson 16ls owners
Who's CJ? Goes he know anything about tubes? 
MC Cartridge Recco's
"My VAC has been upgraded to a MC phono stage. So I will not need a seperate phono stage. "That's not always the case. You may want to check with VAC first. Just ask them if its OK to use a low output cart. They'll know exactly why you're asking t... 
Any pluses or minuses to the older McIntosh mc275 compared to the newer mc275's IV, V, VI?
"Isn't the 275 a bit of overkill?  I've had Cornwalls and Hereseys and 7 watts will blow the windows out.  One plus of Mac amps is the softer "tubey" sound since horns can get fatiguing..."You can get away with a small amp, but you probably won'...