
Responses from sevs

Fozgometer Rental Anyone?
I have a few Test LPs, thanks for the offer!!  
Fozgometer Rental Anyone?
@jbhiller  it seems I managed to beat you to Roscoe's Fozgometer, already sent the deposit! ;-)I was planning to use my 2-channel oscilloscope but your idea of borrowing Fozg is so much easier 
Fozgometer Rental Anyone?
I am next in line should anyone agree.  To be clear, my idea of "reasonable" is $50 for one weekend, shipping on me 
Know of a "Dirt Cheap" tweak?
@rodman99999 I still remember starting this discussion many-many years ago at the meet of Chicago audio society (hope I am not the only one from that meet who is still drinking'n'smoking) and the general consent was Yellow Pages on top of each box... 
Your "go to" lps for system evaluation
Being clinically unable to do "critical listening" I just play my favorite albums: Pink Floyd or Dead Can Dance to see if the end result puts me "in the mood". Solo violin was used by my local dealer to demonstrate that the "mods" of an aftermarke... 
The Electric Recording Co. ... thoughts on a 300 quid LP
DG has Brahms symphonies under Simon Rattle for $500, D2D!!! My fav composer, but I do not care about SR reading. Good investment, my guess, but I know that I will continue spinning Brahms CDs under Bohm... Please help to decide!!! 
Do you clean your records before play, after play, or once (and then never again)?
Forgot to mention: now that I have Next-Gen Sequencing in my lab, I am using 18MOhm water as the last step on VPI 16.5. $200k of business investment paid off for my true calling!!! ;-) 
The Electric Recording Co. ... thoughts on a 300 quid LP
To my ears vinyl from King Super Analogue (now out of business, unfortunately) and Quality Record Pressings from Chad Kassem of Acoustic Sounds is way above my wildest expectations! If I want more, I go to LA opera but with cheap seats or left sid... 
Know of a "Dirt Cheap" tweak?
KAVAKAT1  be a man and fight for the dedicated listening room: its your house!! When I was younger I could do it, not any more :-(    Thats why you see headphones and portable CD player next to my "sweet spot" Big'n'Loving family successfully neut... 
Know of a "Dirt Cheap" tweak?
The cheapest one I know of was mentioned (I think) by Stereophile: take your glasses off. Works only for the eyeglass wearers of course, but for the "lucky ones" it provides an extra benefit of Total Immersion into music. You wont be able to read/... 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
First things first: I am oldskool and beer/Stoli/cigar is my poison. My take here is: what do u listen to when "relaxing" vs your usual self? Right now, going thru six-pack of Hofbrau "diluted" with Stoli I am totally immersed in Enigma, Bee Gees ... 
Do you clean your records before play, after play, or once (and then never again)?
Never clean new records, all used ones go thru VPI16.5 once, if still bad then second spin on VPI with thorough scrubbing (yes I know that scrubbing does not do s#%*t but it makes me feel better about myself!) decides if LP stays or goes. Maplesha... 
Music you llisten to in your car, but rarely play on your rig at home
A HUGE box of Furtwangler is safely anchored behind my drivers seat, it keeps me sane in LA traffic. Being Mono, these CDs sound sooo much better thru Saab stereo than my usual "driving buddies" of Flaming Lips, Radiohead, Deep Purple, Assemblage ... 
Your Go to CD to Impress
@andy8400 yours is an excellent tip! I wonder why Mapleshade CDs are usually disregarded as audiophile delights, they are dirt cheap and sound better than most XRCDs, RR, or CDs from Naim or Linn labels. No blockbusters in Mapleshade catalog, but ... 
Your Go to CD to Impress
@lewin_author  and @almarg  I envy you!!! I wish I had friends to whom I could play any classical LP!usually the answer to what they like to hear is "whatever..." and I go for "Jazz at the Pawnshop" as a punishment. @lewin_author, you are my man! ...